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About Scaly13

  • Birthday 06/18/1985

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  1. I love the power of the VR6 but be ready to spend some time and money on it with that many miles IF certain things have not been replaced. With that many miles you will be looking at timing chains and possibly a new crack pipe. If it is has been taken good care of they really dont have as many issues as people claim its all in how it was treated like any other car. As for handling its a boat anchor out front in a FWD car so it will plow if pushed hard nothing a decent driving cant overcome though. They are alot of fun though plenty of torque from low RPM all the way to redline and good power. I also averaged 20 mpg city driving so if you dont drive like a maniac you can get decent mileage if you are really worried about that.
  2. Get a standard rocker switch from an auto store take the wire for the parking brake switch from the headunit and wire it to that then run another wire to a ground in the vehicle mount the switch where ever. A quick youtube search or google search will turn up the answer and some visual aids if they are needed. Basically it just needs to be on a switched ground thus putting the rocker switch along the wire. Works fine with my pioneer.
  3. C4 Corvette wheels They are apparently big in the VW world now. I dont like them personally but oh well not my car.
  4. Scaly13


    Do you mean just the turbo? or do you mean like a full motor with turbo (ie motor swap)? If you just want the turbo then thats no issue as long as the turbo fits where you want or need it then its fine.
  5. Actually yes this track does have a dragstrip but its only an 1/8th mile strip. The track and area also features a skidpad the size of a parking lot for autocross, multiple track designs, and they are also working on a dirtbike/motocross track on the backside of the track. Its located in the same area as the Nascar track in Northern Kentucky specifically Sparta.
  6. Definition of justice right there if you ask me.
  7. I would be scared out of my mind I am sure if I was a passenger, but that is one hell of a pilot to be able to land that in those conditions.
  8. Scaly13

    New Bimmer

    definitly a good looking bike
  9. Sweet hope this gets a good fanbase. I am sure it will though I know lots of people with bikes that will be interesting in seeing this take off.
  10. This may sound dumb but are you sure your monitor is still working? I work in IT and I have read most of what is posted and agree that is looks like something internal but I get calls all the time that turn out to be a bad monitor connection or a bad monitor. Sometimes it never hurts to check the simple stuff.
  11. I have a static issue with my ipod hook up in my Fusion I have the aftermarket Brandmotion adapter for my stereo. Mine has to due with the screen being on while it charges. I would imagine its the same thing on yours. Sadly I am not sure how to fix it. You can hardly hear mine at all though so it doesnt bother me. As for better grounding to the armrest plug I am sure you can do that but not really sure if it will make a difference. I have been in other cars with similar adapters that do the same thing. I think it might actually be the ipod itself as weird as that sounds.
  12. Song is NonPoint- Bullet with a name on it. That thing is gonna be sick very nice.
  13. Scaly13

    Ferrari SUV???

    The Isuzu VehiCross one of the ugliest vehicles to ever grace the streets of any city. Reminds me of a Mazda B3600 me and my buddies saw one day it was completely rebadged as an Alfa Romeo center caps on the wheels, grill, inside the truck everything. sadly none of us thought to take a picture
  14. http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=38.187091,-85.612807&spn=0.006148,0.013561&z=17&layer=c&cbll=38.18401,-85.61329&panoid=JUXJqKxfGApOhUvdtkyYCg&cbp=2,174.91455844302516,,0,7.340283983132648 Theres the link to my car sleeping while I am at work slaving away to buy her nice things. Oh and clbsinvaders thats your moms Intrepid. If you look at it from the side angles that are available you can see it. Atleat I am pretty sure it is
  15. thats great I would have pulled him off way earlier though
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