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Everything posted by martindc1

  1. Done! I got some magnetic vent covers from lowes and taped on some printouts of numbers and letters and then cut them out. Total cost of materials: $6.05 including a pack of razor-blades. Edit: I had to print on 8.5x14 BTW because the SCCA mandates a minimum number height of 8 inches and the font I used did not utilize all of its alotted area so a big enough number could not have been printed on 8.5x11. My numbers ended up being around 9.5 inches and my letters were a hair over the minimum 4 inches. [ 21. April 2005, 10:31 AM: Message edited by: martindc1 ]
  2. Yeah but we can help each other out to figure out the cheap days and expensive days a little better. BTW Speedway in hilliard (corner Main/Hilliard Rome and Sciota Darby) had gas at 1.99 this morning and 7-11 had it at 2.25. I also noticed speedway had the separation between regular, premium, and super at around .07 instead of the ubiquitous .10 - Super was at 2.15
  3. Gas in Hilliard was up to 2.24 by 10:00 AM. I drove by Speedway and it was 2.24 and then 7-11 had it for 1.94 so I whipped it in there and filled up. When I went back by w/in 15 minutes later the guy had just finished changing the sign to 2.24. I knew something was definitely up when one of the employees came out and filled her car up when I was filling mine up. How did you hear about it going up anyways? Up until recently you could get it at a low price through early thursday morning.
  4. Bummer, well, good luck smile.gif
  5. Yeah I am about to make my own because I can't see spending $60+ dollars on something like that. So I will check out some of the places you all mentioned and see what I can come up with.
  6. Awesome. I emailed the guy but I have yet to hear a response so I might have to email again or contact someone else. Are you going to the event this weekend?
  7. Yes its at Cooper. They also have a beginners school in the middle of May, I plan on attending if they have any open slots left.
  8. martindc1


    Auctions currently at $200 so I guess I'm doing good smile.gif
  9. martindc1


    Yeah may be wishful thinking but if somebody came to me with the cash I would end the auction. On the other hand if someone wanted to wait out the auction they would get a good computer for a decent price and not have to pay shipping.
  10. I found several places online but I would like to just go to a store here in Columbus so I can see what I am buying and possibly have them in time for this weekend. A yahoo search for "autocross magnetic numbers" yields many results though.
  11. martindc1


    I'd like to get $500
  12. Cool, I would appreciate that. Any luck or updates on the car search?
  13. martindc1


    ... on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6761156508&rd=1 Can arrange local pickup if anyone is interested. [ 25. April 2005, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: martindc1 ]
  14. Does anybody know where to get some magnetic numbers for auto-x purposes in Columbus? If not does anyone have an online vendor they recommend?
  15. Sweet is it 70 or a 71-73? Did he mention what the powerplant was? Boss 351, Windsor?
  16. Yeah if you are on a laptop you have to look at the screen just right to even see it.
  17. Looks really good. I don't know about f-bodies but mustang OE shocks don't like higher rate springs (for handling puposes that it), so I am waiting till I have the money to buy Bilsteins and springs at the same time.
  18. I can almost guarantee that it was some youngsters throwing clods of dirt at cars not thinking it would break any windows. Rolla I will call you after lunch smile.gif
  19. Sweet. You'll be hearing from me.
  20. I didn't mean to make it sound like I was drunk driving, basically I had less than one drink per hour but I just wanted to get home because I am not sure how that would translate into the legal limit. It would have made a bad situation if I would have stopped and been slightly over and assaulted some minors. I was in a little bit of a panic state as well because it was so loud and sudden that I thought I got shot at so I got the hell out of there and called the cops because I didn't want it to happen to any other cars. Anyways, does anyone have any advice for me? Or am I just going to have to bite the bullet and drop the dough on this? I have already made an insurance claim but since I have a $1000 deductable its not going to help.
  21. I wasn't drunk or anything but I was close enough to the legal limit that I didn't want to get myself in trouble. I had 3 drinks in a little over 3 hours which is roughly legal but I didn't want to risk it. I really should have stopped but I kind of paniced. Shit happens though.
  22. +1. I have had an idea for quite sometime that there has been some whitewashing of history particularly of WWII. I can't quite put my finger on it though.
  23. I saw one on sawmill yesterday and he gave me a couple of revs but we couldn't run off the light cause of the traffic.
  24. True. I really didn't know WTF happened at first. I didn't stop for two reasons though: 1. My breath was a little high in alcohol content 2. It was so loud I thought for a second I got shot at. If I knew then what I know now I would have stopped. It just sucks because this is going to be at least a full days work down the toilet. Having a $1000 deductable won't really help me out that much. It just seems like some people have no respect for what others work hard for.
  25. I was driving west bound on Sciota-Darby right around Walcut and Leap when my rear passenger side window in the F150 got smashed out. When I got home I looked and it appears someone threw a big clod of mud/rocks at my truck as I was driving by. It just sucks. If anyone has any info let me know. Looks like more hard-earned cash wasted on something stupid. I haven't called the insurance company yet because I had to work early this morning so maybe when I get home I can get the ball rolling on that shit.
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