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Everything posted by RedLudeSH

  1. We're Number 1, We're Number 1!!!!!
  2. 9 pictures here, some at the bottom of this post. http://photobucket.com/KylesCivicForSale $2500 Asking for a friend at work. He's selling it extremely cheap because of 2 easily fixable problems so I figured I'd put it on here and see if anyone would be interested in flipping it or having a cheap DD or something. Has 127,700 miles on the body. Had a JDM GSR engine and 5-speed swap done it by Slowmotion 5 years ago. Has an Exedy Clutch and Nuespeed Short Throw shifter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Needs: a new header, stock header didnt properly clear the lower GSR oil pan and rubbed a hole in the oil pan which is now leaking. So needs a GSR header and patch job on oil pan. Also Needs: IACV, car is showing all the symptoms of a bad IACV. A part that is $25-$30 and easy to fix. Rather than fix it, he just bought a new 2012 Civic??? His name is Kyle and his phone number is 1-614-402-8784 You can call or text him. I can also relay any questions to him to if needed. http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Civic%20for%20sale/image.jpg http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Civic%20for%20sale/image4.jpg http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Civic%20for%20sale/image2.jpg
  3. http://s1167.photobucket.com/albums/q630/RoomWithSimon/ Notes on the pictures. Everything you see in the basement will be gone, (except the washer and dryer) giving you tons of storage space!!!! Everything you see thoughout the house will remain except for everything in the bedroom marked "Your bedroom". All you need to live here is a bed. Everything else is included. Text me 614-975-9656
  4. To add to what is in the pdf below, there is tons of parking in the neighborhood and garages are available for $65 a month. -$500 a month until May 2013 + half of utilities. -Fully Furnished. -Includes Washer and Dryer. -Free gym in neighborhood. -Super Safe/Rich area. -Your own private full bath, with tub and shower. -Giant Bedroom with huge closet. -Total Apt. close to 1500 square feet. -That does not include the close to 600 square foot fully furnished basement. http://freepdfhosting.com/22c937335f.pdf Will pay $100 of your rent until May of 2013 making rent only $500.
  5. IPS does maintence/random/shits broke work on old POS cars?? Arent they "on haitus" for awhile too?
  6. Where I work I get lots of people asking me to recommend a shop/fix various problems on the their cars. I dont have a garage to work in and I dont really know of a place to recommend to them because when something breaks on one of my cars I fix it myself. These are basic, non-performance related issues. Example: current one, replace broken front sway bar 1999 Olds Intrigue. That kind of stuff. I figured I'd look on here for someone in the vendor area but it looks like mostly detail/tire places. My work is around the Polaris area and if know of someone good enough and or cheap enough I can send ALOT of business their way. Any recomendations around that area? Thank You
  7. Need the throttle body if you'll sell it.
  8. I use roxio creator pro. Can get it on eBay for under $20. Is like $120 in stores. Have made some amazing videos with it.
  9. The hero 2 is differnt in 2 important ways. One the LCD that tells you what mode you are in is actually user friendly, uses words instead of numbers you have to look up/memorize. Two it has a better lens allowing for much better low light filming, the 1 is useless from dusk on. I've the hd 1 for over a year now, its been on my car through numerous roadtrips, autoxs and road course days and is amazing. The LCD backpac is an absolute must. Nothing worse than having it on, having something amazing happen only to discover you were filming your hood the whole time.
  10. RedLudeSH


    $250 with the extras. Can meet in Hilliard, Dublin or Polaris areas. Sells for $350 to $400 everywhere, $300 or so used if you can find it. http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/s95sale.jpg http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/s95sale2.jpg Camera is less that 6 months old, barely used, looks absolutely brand new and has box and all accessories that came with it plus.... With extras... Lowenpro soft shell (hard case) Duracell Extra Battery Most DSLR photography people know about this camera. It's basically the best point and shoot pocket camera you can buy with pretty much all the features of a full DSLR but fits nicely in your pocket. Biggest selling point is its f/2.0 lens. Camera is extremely popular and hard to come by now that the S100 has been released to some negative reviews, most of which say it is a step back from the S95. Not even 300 pictures taken with it. Great review of the camera. http://www.kenrockwell.com/canon/s95.htm $379 New on Amazon....$290 lowest used. http://www.amazon.com/Canon-PowerShot-S95-Stabilized-3-0-Inch/dp/B003ZSHNGS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1335473234&sr=8-1
  11. Is this your car??? http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/crpic2.jpg http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/crpic.jpg
  12. 11 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_3118.jpg 12 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_3097.jpg 13 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_3066.jpg 14 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_3220.jpg 15 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_2971.jpg 16 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_2800.jpg 17 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_2696.jpg
  13. Here's my whole album from the day http://photobucket.com/importfaceoffOhio Here's a sampling. 1 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_3197.jpg 2 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_3188.jpg 3 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_3175.jpg 4 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_3172.jpg 5 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_3167.jpg 6 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_3163.jpg 7 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_3156.jpg 8 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_3152.jpg 9 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_3126.jpg 10 http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/Import%20Face%20Off%202012/_MG_3123.jpg
  14. I don't understand the water, freezer thing. The dents are really bad, almost pinches. It was a very expensive header that is no longer made. My car responds very poorly to basic mods as it is and I know these dents are very bad. The only solution I've seen that makes sense is heating it till it glows then pounding it out. It's thick stainless steel. Just didn't know if anyone had the means to do it.
  15. Does anyone have the tools/know-how to re-round 2 tubes in a stainless steel header that have been not only flattened, but shoved inward a bit. The piece it happened on is only maybe 14" long and its on a flat area. Thanks Here's where the dents are... http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/headerpic.jpg
  16. -I have a 1997 Subaru Legacy Outback with the 2.5. -It is leaking oil (profusely) from the Cam seals and crank seals. Dealership said the procedure to fix it is basically the same as a timing belt procedure and they recommend changing the Tbelt along with the seal repalcements and were just going to charge parts for that. -Are there any suby techs or someone whos done this thatd be willing to do this as side work? -I have access to a 2-post lift and most of the tools you'd need (if necessary), just none of the speciality tools like cam holders or whatever you may need for the timing belt replacement. Please PM me with price anyone if available? Very much appreciated!!! Thank You.
  17. RedLudeSH


    Pic and Vid from camera. https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Q193hyrXLx8R8wlrELAuv8qltEwJnQ3yN2Zt7qTPVlQ?feat=directlink https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/TbIFbXTfe78FvrTG6NWIlayGtOIkwDFKDPB2HyT-yW0?feat=directlink
  18. Chinatti's http://www.chi-nnatis.com Best Chicago Style Pizza ive ever had short of the original UNO/DUO in Chicago!
  19. Website says safety regulations listed in the rulebook, then says you need a rulebook sent you. Anybody have the rulebook or done this before? Do you need a full cage? Or what do you need?
  20. Thank You!!!! I have cruise control again :-)
  21. Okay, I have an aftermarket steering wheel in my car. From the factory these 2 plugs are connected by a "cable reel" that is eliminated when you switch to an aftermarket steering wheel. I'm just trying to figure out, based on the diagram, which wires i need to connect to each other for it work. Example: (3)from button to (2) from harness (1)from button to (3) from harness etc. I did it on my old Prelude but it was like 5 years ago and i dont remember at all what i connected to what, just know it worked. Thank You for any assistance. http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/wiring.jpg
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