Ok this may be long.
OK I drive a 97 Prelude SH with 20,000 miles on it. I've made about 20 or so runs at tracks since ive bought it (MCIR & The Trails). So far my best time has been 16.45. My fastest trap speed 84mph. Everyone at Preludeonline.com agrees that something is mechanically wrong with my car. I'm hoping this is true since it can be fixed. Oh I've also let another 5th gen lude driver that gets consistant 15.4's and has a best of a 14.9 on his stock lude drive it at MCIR and he got a 16.7 and a 16.5.
The people at preludeonline suggested a compression check <- what whould this accomplish? Also how whould you go about getting it done. My car is Honda certified and has a 1 year bumper to bumper and a 7 year powertrain that still in effect. I can't really say well my car is a second slower than all other ludes at the track can I? What should I say or have them look for? Any suggestions?
The car is stock 5 speed with a brand new K&N by the way <-to eliminate the possibility my air filter was extremely dirty. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You. -Chris