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Everything posted by RedLudeSH

  1. Friend is selling a 1988 White Honda Prelude. It is pretty much a parts car. Didn't know if anyone had a use for it. $200 P/U Only Powell, Ohio (around cbus) Pros: Just replaced coolant fan. Fixed drivers side interior door latch Changed Oil Bled brakes New Battery Motor runs fine (may need valve adjustment) Cons RUST-It has a good amount of rust and damage in the trunk from being rearended. The Windsheild leaks from rust. Needs a new driveshaft on the passenger side. Will probably need new rotors from sitting for a while, but maybe be alright with some use needs new tires Drivers side hub is missing one lug nut. This is a great parts car. The rust is throughout the entire frame, so I really dont think it is safe to drive. pm me (lude4lifeh22) or email at lude4lifeh22@yahoo.com http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v503/lude4lifeh22/IMG_0574.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v503/lude4lifeh22/IMG_0571.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v503/lude4lifeh22/IMG_0582.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v503/lude4lifeh22/IMG_0581.jpg
  2. -Is there anything certian need to look out for? Timing Belt done every 65-70K Automatic SSs transmission will fail @ about 80K. Manuals can develop 5th gear grind. -Whats so special about the Type-SH other than traction control? Spins the wheel getting the most traction faster in a corner, gives FWD car RWD handling characteristics. Technology has been used on newer Acuras, the RL, MDX, RDX etc. -Do all of the 98-01s have the same engine and power numbers? Manual rated @ 195-200hp Autos @ 190-195 Stock they dyno 156-160 to the wheels. I have intake/header/exhaust/VAFC and have dynoed 183 -What do they run in the 1/4 stock? My best was 15.2 stock @ Norwalk -How well do they handle and how do they react to suspesion mods? Like a dream, won best handling car under $30K in their heyday. Were brought into a competetion for best handling car period (based on their win in under 30K test) did quite well beating out cars much more expensive. -Are they just like all other Hondas and run good for +200k miles? Depends, if you leave the car alone and do the timing belt every 65-70K if will last just as long. The H22 was Hondas test bed for FRM cylinder walls, when driving hard day after day and added alot of power to, the cars burn unreasonable amounts of oil from 100,000 miles or so on. Hope this helps.
  3. $70 Selling my HP Photosmart M425 Camera. Takes SD cards which are $9.99 for a 1GB @ Microcenter and has 16mb internal memory. Takes 2 AA batteries, has a 3X optical zoom and 18X digital zoom. Its extremely easy to use and shoots 20fps 640x480 videos with sound. Comes with both manual and warranty card as well as the software and USB cable that it came with. Here are pics http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/hpcamera/hpstuff3.jpg http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/hpcamera/hpcamera2.jpg http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/hpcamera/hpcamera.jpg
  4. Forgot to add: Have Everything that came with it, Box, both instruction manuals, usb cable, shoulder strap and Sony Picture Package software. Also included pic of the model of battery. http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/camcorder/boxandeverything.jpg http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/camcorder/batterypack.jpg Camera goes for $340 cheapest new and the battery $120 cheapest new according to pricegrabber.
  5. This is the camcorder that i've shot all my videos with including in-car footage and the stabilization has been great (I have a harness bar in-car mount). For sale with the camera is the $150 7-hour Sony infolithium battery and charger and camera case that fits the charger, camera, and tapes. The normal battery lasts 30 minutes if that, this one goes FOREVER even with the viewfinder out. The camcorder shoots digital video on Hi8 tapes and can hook up to your computer with a firewire cable and load the videos directly onto your harddrive using Windows Video Maker. $200 for all of it. http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/camcorder/sony1.jpg http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/camcorder/sony2.jpg http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/camcorder/sony3.jpg
  6. I work at Target and we have had a bunch of them returned in the past 2 days. People who held on to them till right up before Christmas to sell on ebay only to find the market saturated by that point. Whoops
  7. Anyway to get in if I pay $30 today??? I just got my car fixed today Thanks
  8. It's actually called Aircraft Remover they sell it Autozone, Advanced Auto etc. It comes in a spray can or a liquid container. It's is really sick to watch it work it eats through anything. It's about $7 for a spray bottle of it. http://dunereview.com/EngineRebuild/PaintRemover.jpg
  9. Pefect http://www.columbusracing.com/showthread.php?t=27662
  10. I really wanted to do at least one Auto-X this year but haven't been able to, does anyone know of any going on the rest of this year. I know about http://www.myautoevents.com but there's sometimes some held that aren't listed on there. Thanks in advance.
  11. How do you explain when Chris angel does it thou, and you can see the front and all around??? Like here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3xqhMskMY8 Just wondering because it freaks me out man
  12. The car they came off of should use about the same chasis as a Malibu at least i dont know GM cars too well but same about size, engines used and parts i'd assume.
  13. http://www.columbusracing.com/showthread.php?t=27662 15" with 100% tread left
  14. The car they came off was a late 90's Buick Skylark. I'm guessing these would fit the GM FWD 3100,3400,3800 series of cars well. Skylark, Beretta, Corsica, grand am, grand prix, aurora etc. Any 5 Lug FWD should be OK with these wheels. They're offset is +34mm. I just did some searching and it looks like when I put in, +34mm offset alot of RWD cars come up, like Mustang Bullit Wheels are 34mm offset as are the wheels on Lincoln Continentals. But like I said they came off a FWD car and didn't have any fitiment issues.
  15. http://s64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/redludesh2/americanracing/ There's pics of everything. There's 4 damn near perfect wheels they are 15x7" universal 5-lug w/center caps and brand new tires on them. Tires are Hankook Optimo Plus II. Pics of everything are above. Friend just had these put on her car when it was T-boned, rims untouched in accident. $200 for all 4 with tires.
  16. Went to check it out today. Drove it around the neighborhood, same thing, it started right up drove around blah blah blah. Then noticed that it's leaking tranny fluid. Jacked it up and there's a hose that goes from the tranny to what is i'm guessing a tranny cooler. That hose is leaking, it's not from the tranny itself or a seal or anything, it's a stupid $5 hose as far as I can tell, and i can show you. Thus any hopes of driving it away are pretty shot as you'll be out of tranny fluid soon. It only leaks when the car is running and the fluid is flowing thou. I've had numerous PMs from people with flat beds and tow trucks or hook-ups on them. This car will be good for someone and with the time i could fix it for minimial $$$ I feel better about the enging itself everytime I drive it. Anyway for $200 it's yours that's meaning i'll be making $5 if that on the whole deal, paid $150 for the car plus put $50 or so in misc. stuff for it. But I have to pay back a debt like yesterday so whatever. Someone get this it's a steal.
  17. S100 from Iron Pony. http://www.ohpoc.org/forums/Uploads/Images/6ce123f5-1020-4bb0-8d85-6d56.jpg
  18. Soooo many PMs yet I still have the car nonoe has looked at it yet.
  19. PMs responded. I'm available today to meet anybody at the car. Its located on Polaris Parkway.
  20. She does have a car now she got a rusted up old Jetta about 5 months ago. It runs great so she's set. Trust me once she got to telling me about this car my hopes were to fix it up and give it to her back at the cost of the fixing almost. My friends were gonna help too, we all went together to pick it up and she told all about it while waiting for the tow truck. She bought it new, loved it a ton, it's name is Larry the Laser. I'm just at a financial snag where i need money yesterday, hell last week, so i can't do that.
  21. I'm available after 5pm on Wednesday, all day Thursday, after 4pm on Friday and all day Saturday, check your PMs for my phone number and just call me or PM me with when is good for you.
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