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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. at least with ddr you're doing more then sitting on your ass graemlins/jerkit.gif
  2. graemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/burnout02.gif
  3. check point, gives me some shit to do if... oh snap i think i may be going out with my gf that day for some ddr tourney, shittttt. ill have to see what's up but if im not im totally down. haven't lanned in ages.
  4. what point? he said to me to shut the fuck up, i hadn't said anything i just posted a comical website to relieve the fucking stress of the thread that got brought back up and i love b-dubs. graemlins/supergay.gif [ 22. October 2004, 02:38 AM: Message edited by: Veritas ]
  5. define cheap? what's your price range?
  6. shut up marc, i wasn't bitching i posted a link to a website i dropped that shit ages ago, get over yourself
  7. something to do with how large his penis is/was or something, no idea
  8. source is on steam yes, but it's like the graphics engine and everything just completely revamped. if i can find a hacked version ill try to give you a link so you can check it out, to play on steam you still need to purchase it tho but it's only 50 and you get cs: source and half life 2 when it comes out. Love cs. go check out cs-nation to look at some of the source screen shots. shit makes you wanna drop it like it's hawt.
  9. im down, i just hope there's a cs source thing going. I don't have the other games but im sure i could find a friend who has em. t.c.
  10. "gay" isn't the same as "f" nor is black the same as "n" white isn't the same as "h" do you follow?
  11. Call this a flame if you like but this is some shit that needs to be delt with. what the hell has been with the post from people like evilevo and the like talking about either how rich someone is or isn't, how saying racial slurs here and there and classifying people according to said income has been an accepted practice here? If you're wondering what i'm talking about, go take a gander at the post made in the pics and vids section from that stupid video of some ignorant fucker hitting a p/t cruiser. Not only him but it seems a lot of that stuff has been popping up here and there over the past couple of weeks and it's getting old really, REALLY fast.
  12. Call this a flame if you like but this is some shit that needs to be delt with. what the hell has been with the post from people like evilevo and the like talking about either how rich someone is or isn't, how saying racial slurs here and there and classifying people according to said income has been an accepted practice here? If you're wondering what i'm talking about, go take a gander at the post made in the pics and vids section from that stupid video of some ignorant fucker hitting a p/t cruiser. Not only him but it seems a lot of that stuff has been popping up here and there over the past couple of weeks and it's getting old really, REALLY fast.
  13. wow any white person who tries to justify the use of that word by saying "oh it means this" or "oh you know there's two kinds of black people" really needs to get a fucking clue about how society works. You're an ignorant fuck, impreza whatever the fuck his name is a stupid dick too, you both need to find out what the real world is like and realize that the kind of shit you just let spew from your mouth is why that word is still in existance today.
  14. ha. i was going to say try that or install a protocol for everyone else to see each other if all else fails(sometimes that works too, buggy windowsxp)
  15. Veritas

    Track addicts

    and forever in gods name, amen.
  16. http://www.azcentral.com/offbeat/articles/1014krs14-ON.html .... graemlins/nonono.gif It affected all of us, wow what'a fucking complete and total idiot. graemlins/nonono.gif
  17. someone smack ban that dude offline who made that stupid comment please and fucking football punt kick that STUPID IGNORANT FUCK in that video
  18. to old dirty - hahah your fucking sigs own lol
  19. ya know mr2, if i knew how much it'd cost for a project like that to be done id actually consider doing it lol, would gurantee id have a place to work on the rides at at least. Yeah berto, ran into that at a few places a couple years back when i had to store my old laser. Lameness. Anyways pony find out the details for that place would you? Sounds pretty good.
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