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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. No, but at the same time they did leave someone up there to die who could have survived had they said fuck getting to the top and went back down with him. The callousness they displayed was just mortifying to hear about. But, after seeing how people on here have responded to certain folks cries for help or please of need I'm not surprised, just saddened.
  2. Yeah all the lenses we've picked up have been VR, its amazing for windy ass days and taking pictures on the fly especially if we dont have the monopad out or whatever. Looking into the D7000 now, lets see what happens...
  3. Any Nikon/Nikkor fans out there? The fiancee' is sporting a Nikon D60 I bought her with a 18~200 lense she's using for the day to day stuff and the stock 18~55mm it comes with. I want to upgrade her body and pick up one of the I think its 3000 series cameras but I'm not sure if its needed yet or not (she's a digital design student at cscc and it was required for her course work). Throw out some ideas, I like hearing this kinda stuff.
  4. Tentative sale this afternoon around 5, so we shall see... if anyone is interested and can pick it up today/tonight tell me now and I can tell the guy one of my previous buyers came through.
  5. Ty guys, trying to get this sold before monday so the word being spread on it is much appreciated.
  6. Yes, this is one of the ps3's that has the backwards compatibility. And yeah I'd say it is more like the Wii.
  7. Dragonage origins, PS3 Move sports game, extra controller, the ps3 move that's like the kinnect that xbox has only its for the ps3.
  8. Bah I got my posts mixed up, lol. I do apologize! (now to the proposed tax) Whatever, nothing like that shit would actually pass. I'm all for helping other places out but giving out something we don't have wouldn't do anything to help anyone but make the U.S. poorer itself :/
  9. Title pretty much says it all, this is one of the first gen PS3's with the OtherOS option still enabled and running firmware 2.6X(can't remember exactly have to hook it up). I also have the new motion attachment for the PS3 the Move camera and one move controller, and an extra ps3 controller that's silver for the system. The hard drive space is either 180 gig or 160 gig, I have to go check but the system was hardly used as it belong to the woman's parents and they played all of three times with it before I bought it off of them. Now I wouldn't be selling it if I didn't have to take care of some other stuff around the house, but the price is firm as you can go buy a used / refurb with 1 controller and 40 gigs for $250 from anywhere, and you're getting quite a bit more for the price here. I'll put it up on craigs later tonight but if someone wants this as a gift for someone they know since christmas is around the corner or a gift for themselves I have it here and waiting. I'll post up the hard drive size in a few.
  10. "In a letter to G-20 leaders, Obama didn't explicitly address the debate on the Robin Hood tax. But he encouraged the world leaders to pursue policies that will help poorer nations." Would you fucks shut the fuck up. He isn't supporting it, he just spoke about wanting people to figure some shit out to fix the broken ass financial system we are all in and maybe give the poor fucks a forearm grip out of fuckedtivity. Jesus read the entire damned article. The stupid site from fox doesn't even detail Obama supporting it OR shooting down the proposal, it just says he spoke about shit in it, NOT that he directly supported the stupid idea to begin with. My own personal view is we need to concentrate on fixing our homefront and making it a priority above all else and whatever aid we have after that (until we get back to a more lax fiscal position) we can do whatever for other people. Plus, this is Fox, I automatically discredit the majority of the shit fox ever has to say.
  11. My fiancee draws well. I also have several other people who do. Let me know what you're looking for.
  12. Like other people said, it was a friggin hearing aid. Lord I hate the majority of you.
  13. Completely random, where'd you get your RN at?
  14. Lol. Ahh when is my next season starting
  15. I find this ironically awesome.
  16. What, What is this?? I don't even If it's in a politically minded thread and you tried to say something like X party member stated that the sky, was in fact purple without any kinda proof yeah. Otherwise wtf does it matter? On that point you're trying to make yes, I get it but I'm speaking strictly political party shit. It's like someone coming to a car meet with a beat up old 88 honda hatchback or something with a fart can exhaust and talking about their car having five different turbos AND superchargers running full-sequential somehow. That's what it likens to be to me and how someone else (actually there are other people who've stated the same sentiment) couldn't understand where I'm coming from is just astounding to me.
  17. When people spout ignorant crap as if its the gospel which misleads people yes, it should be removed. There are so many cases of that happening and I don't have to argue that. If i've done it, by all means remove it. I've said snarky comments but nothing that would mislead someone by telling a half truth if not bold faced lie.
  18. Ok no banning but I'll remove fluff with the quickness, I don't care if its liberal or otherwise.
  19. I don't agree with everything you stated, but the fact that you did voice your opinion honestly and without a bit of unintelligible non-sense, I will gladly respect it. These are the kinds of posts (and a few others who have made in this thread) that need to be made when a topic like this is presented. Someone make me a mod so I can unabashedly delete/remove someone from threads when they start spouting "I hate X because of Y and I have nothing but Fluff to support my statements". If you want to talk like an adult then act like one and don't bring sophist statements and stances to a serious minded thread. :|
  20. Your link has a bad piece of code. Take out the <br>.
  21. You're trying to argue logic to those without. I gave up hope of that a long, long time ago.
  22. DJ, I didn't even know your mother passed man. Spring was a busy time for us and I took a step back from pretty much everything, my heart goes out to you regardless how much time has passed. As for your mothers and grandmothers belongings, it depends on what kind of space you have and if there is anyone else in your immediate who could help store some things for you. Other than that there are some storage systems I could suggest/help with setting up if you want a hand (been watching a lot of home and garden tv and stuff... sigh)
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