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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. Yep, sold now too. Can lock the thread up as well!
  2. I believe I stated the obvious with the title. Wanting to get a mytouch 4g slide instead (I like my keyboards). PM or post if interested.
  3. I have a 32 GB iPhone 3GS I could sell you for 80. It's jailbroken and unlocked for T-mobile right now (did it for kicks) but I'd prefer having an android device. If you're interested let me know.
  4. Make it a bit less than that (80) and i'm alll over it.
  5. I've got till tomorrow. Any takers for this last little bit?
  6. I'm also selling a BFG 8800 GTX (pci-e video card) for 80. I think I still have the box for it as well.
  7. Oh yeah and as for the processor, 3943A529 is the batch number.
  8. BFG GTX 580 with 1536 mb video memory, hmm eff this, link http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130587
  9. I guess no real interest. Leaving the thread here if someone wants to make an offer on the 8800 gtx.
  10. I went to school with Nick Goings and he went pro I guess then retired a few years ago. Did well i'd say.
  11. The "teaching" method. Try it out yourself, you'll see what I mean. It doesn't really teach you anything so much as makes you repeat crap and remember pictures of stuff. You need to understand and learn the reasoning (at least for me) why i'm saying something and how and what sorts of conjugation rules are there. All types of stuff. My point in my first post was just noting the only thing to learning a language is to just sit down, study and learn it.
  12. Rosetta stone is trash. Period. I'm fluent in french and learning japanese right now and there really isn't a short cut to learning another language. Emily is fluent in japanese and alright in spanish.
  13. I did insanity but I went back to p90x, I like tony's pace in the p90x series better.
  14. I've met a lot of awesome people because of this board and a ton of you guys have helped me out, i've come over and wrenched for folks or held stuff for em in the past, helped people move and unfortunately even seen some friends leave us forever. This has become more than just some message board for me regardless the drama and how frequent or infrequent I post. CR IS a home for me and as long as its around it always will be provided the same caliber of people stick around. Now im going to go murder shit because that's what men do. Lata.
  15. Do you use a chair? If not try that because after you're done doing it fully normal you can get more of a workout using a chair until you can't move anymore. Also a thing called hookers or something like that which are gloves could help too since its got an extra bar thing that loops around the bar to help give you a better grip for doing them.
  16. If you're old school, you remember what I used to look like. I figured i'd toss an update up here for people interested. This is what I started out as: http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/208662_10150157121551991_648896990_7087115_7911205_n.jpg This is where I am now. http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/315828_10150297241501991_648896990_8294568_1266763278_n.jpg I'm down 184 now and have another 15-20 lbs to go. It's possible to get down without doing diets, its all life style changes people. I cut out all the horrid crap like pop and fast food I was doing and started kicking my activities into over drive (though I've never been an unmoving guy physically, I just became much more so). I will update again once im actually at my goal weight which should be sometime in late october or early november.
  17. Not cool man, toss an update up here dude.
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