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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. Also selling the one I've got left with the 20 gig hard drive and one controller for $110.
  2. Note his age. Perhaps one of those who needs to get their membership scaled back for a few?
  3. Woman, friend me.
  4. Some of the stuff you people draw the line at astounds me.
  5. Pushing Pixie sticks and Candie Cigs. is srs business man.
  6. I got one from fossil not too long ago for I think 50 or 60 and its a very nice piece. My other wallet I got from wilson's leather was crap and I spent 30 something on it.
  7. Twenties are fun. Don't bitch.
  8. Question - when the fuck did we all turn 30 something? I remember when 30 was light years away and children? BAWHAWHAHASASAAAAHAHAHAHAHAA Not yet. Fast forward a few years... Engaged? Check. Career taking off? Check. Kid? Check. Looking for homes? Check. Looking for 4 door baby mobile? Check. Why oh why can't the twenties span an extra 10 years instead?
  9. Could be if someone offered me 6 for it.
  10. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4101/4935007726_d79e3c9657_z.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4099/4935006344_54f749e270_z.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4081/4935005818_36f3700540_z.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4100/4935005298_5dd36140a6_z.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4121/4934410749_96a3cec771_z.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4073/4935002482_cf0e98be14_z.jpg I have a couple more but this should be good for now. Thanks Brian
  11. Newsgroups, newsgroups, newsgroups.
  12. I don't have much myself either, but I do have $5 on it. Lemme know where I can pitch it in at.
  13. Oh yeah I forgot to add, the one with no hard drive or extra controller is $110, firm.
  14. This last one I repaired and am selling, I picked it up from noleaf a couple days ago. The other one was my spare that I don't really need anymore as I don't like playing my other 360 off my pc monitor (the pc monitor is 27" lcd but still feels way smaller than the 47" lol).
  15. Well title says it all. I have a white xbox 360 that i'm trying to sell now that has two white controllers, the standard rgb color television connector and a 20 gig hard drive. Looking to sell quick, let me know. I also have another xbox that's identical to this one that's got no hard drive and a single controller for $110. Send a message if interested or post up. I'll sell them both with just a single controller and sans hard drive for $110 though if you don't need a hard drive.
  16. Yep. But again, still has the warranty on it and obviously is going to be in pristine shape. If I hadn't just did some major garage cleaning I would still have the box too.
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