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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. Listen to these guys. They know their shit as they are both finance directors at established dealers. -Marc
  2. AngryBMW

    Sketchy racing

    Always leave on the second honk. Cereal?? -Marc
  3. Beautiful home at a great price! Being eligible for a rural debelopment loan is a HUGE plus for someone looking to buy. Absolutely not true. There is no acreage requirement for RD. RD rates are super low. If you know someone needing a pre-approval or wanting to see some numbers please pass along my information. -Marc
  4. Hater. Overmoderator. Scum. See you Sunday? -Marc
  5. AngryBMW

    Sketchy racing

    I will have to witness this. I'm sure they will be hard to locate... Giggle. He's such a great brother that he is allowing said brother and cumdumpster to share a bedroom. Class act right theyre. -Marc
  6. AngryBMW

    Sketchy racing

    I know more than I ever wanted to know. Does he still share a room with said $0.10 cumdumpster? Way to give him a leg up. -Marc
  7. AngryBMW

    Sketchy racing

    Edit** Aren't you the assbag that is letting his little brother get worked by a $0.10 crack-whore-baby-mamma that you are fucking on the side when your wife leaves for work to support your white trash ass? Maybe you should worry about your own family relations before attempting to talk shit. ** Fire = stoked -Marc
  8. Couldn't agree more. I continue to read up on this case and continue to get more fired up by the media bias. The ONLY pictures being shown on the major news outlets are of Zimmerman's mug shot and Martin as a sweet, innocent, smiling 12yr old. Disgusting. Leave race out of this mess and focus on the facts of the incident. -Marc
  9. Is this to avoid a race war or because they think there was foul play? -Marc
  10. The entire situation is ridiculous. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/23/us-florida-shooting-obama-idUSBRE82M0QF20120323 Are there any Obama quotes talking about how a white male child killed could have been his son? Seriously...ridiculous. -Marc
  11. Probably a false statement. -Marc
  12. Aerodynamics were not in my favor. We will rematch from a dig. What happened against the c6z? Clark, how was paintball? -Marc
  13. Stumped...as in we're confused at how small the vette looks in our rearviews? :confused: BRB...installing a little nitrous... -Marc
  14. Let me know when you're selling an AR. -Marc
  15. So you're WAAAAAY fucked. Yikes. -Marc
  16. Yes. Taxes are behind. Just the way you like it. Fag. -Marc
  17. I would like 4. Anthony, do you keep them with you at meets? -Marc
  18. Invest every penny in mortgage backed securities. -Marc
  19. AngryBMW

    Job Experience

    Shits Legit. -Marc
  20. Fresh coffee = hot. Spill said coffee on yourself = burnt skin. Seems logical... -Marc
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