Just a little update, trying to keep this short.
Left to take my kids home to their mother, on the way Dad was taking the bike up for storage for the winter (98 Fatboy Harley), at dusk 6:00 PM. Sitting there waiting for him to show up, and my phone ring's...
"Dad" Hey son, call Cheeseman's towing, to come pick up the bike, I have a broken leg, squad is here to take me to the hospital. A deer ran into my side and I could not put weight on my leg and dumped my bike...
At this point I did not know what to say....They took dad up to St. Ann's hospital, after I picked up the bike with tow truck (Bike is not in that bad of shape) but Dad's leg is broken both bones between the knee and ankle. Dad said after he got the bike stopped and tried to put weight on the left leg his leg buckled backward and fell down with the bike on top of him (non pipe side left). Dad was supposed to leave tomorrow for Vegas to pick up the race team (Head racing) and drive over to Pomona CA, for the winter nationals this comming weekend...I think he is done racing for the rest of the year... (Last update) 3:00 am Monday...they were going to put pin's in his leg to keep the bones together and heal...
Good luck Dad....to a speedy recovery. Dad is 60 years old