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Everything posted by ChevyMan1972

  1. Nice build Rob, I used to have one of these cars myself and I loved it. I hope it makes monster power and goes strait... Dan
  2. It's just not all about the strait line, try throwing a ZX14 in a corner ROFL.. I just think it on hell of an effort for a US owned company to give a little bit more to a sport bike that's all. Dan
  3. Everyone, Just like the title says, there is a new buell in town move over jap bikes 140 wheel hp, even though it's powered by Rotax engine, still looks awesome! http://buell.com/1125R/1125R.asp?1125RLocale=en_us Dan Price is at $11,500 Still a bit much but I will wait for a couple years..
  4. Contact. Fusco, Mackey, Mathews & Gill (http://www.ohiolaws.com) Wife works there.. Dan
  5. I thought that some of the people invloved would have learned there lesson from when we all lost George S... Keep it on the track... Dan
  6. Everyone, Please take a look at this crash way back at the same track that killed Scott Kalitta. There should be no way that the shutdown area and the 90 deg. turn that wall makes, why even back then why....someone should have known that it was going to be trouble.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Kw37uiYwOI&feature=related Dan
  7. Sorry guy's lol, I guess I did fail.. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/306-Ft-Jump_169110.htm?Ref=Blog Dan
  8. 306 foot jump, it must be Seth Enslow? Dan
  9. Some of the shorter tracks can't because they dont have enough land to extend. I am sure the insurance costs have some to do with it anyway. Dan
  10. This just off the press over at NHRA, I think it's great Idea! http://www.nhra.com/content/news/30355.htm Daniel
  11. As the title says... http://videos.streetfire.net/video/LSX-Block-makes-2000HP-on_168394.htm Enjoy! Daniel
  12. Just FYI I posted this for everyone about 1/2 hr after it happened, dad called me and told me from the track.. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=52290 Dan
  13. Everyone, I just wanted to share some things that I have been thinking of, as I sit here and look around on the net for exactly what happened to Scott, it breaks my heart. Here it is 2:30 am in the morning my wife and 3 kids are all a sleep as I toss and turn in my bed thinking about Scott and his family. My dad has been working with the NHRA and Jim Head for over 30 years, my father spends over 9 months on the road racing and doing what he loves to do. As I sit here watching the videos of the racers talking about the event today and talking to my father on the phone 800 miles away, I am hurting inside...I am lost for words about this hole situation...the fact that it could happen to Him or my father I pray to god for there safety and keep them in our thoughts knowing that god will be with them doing what they do best. Here is a link to a video that has just put me into tears, I could not hold them back, thinking of all the people that I know that have lost there lives the last couple years, George...we are still thinking of you my friend you will never be missed. It is going to be a rough couple weeks in the NHRA, next weekend is Norwalk's tour the 27th - 30th There will be an erie feeling around the pit's next weekend without Scott being there. http://sports.espn.go.com/broadband/video/videopage?videoId=3455678&categoryId=2378529 Good night everyone and please stay safe out there, our lives can be taken from us at any point...as is the case for Scott Kalitta :cry Thanks for reading Weaver family
  14. Everyone, My dad just called me and said that about 1 hour ago Scott Kalitta DHL Solara fuel funny car, age 46 was killed today from a crash in NJ. Jim Head is number one in qual. But this is sad new's in the NHRA.. It is not posted yet online but it will be soon.. RIP Scott! Daniel
  15. My friend helped build that car, and he said it had a tremic tranny, not sure it was a 5 or 6 speed though.. Dan
  16. He? It looked to be a Girl to me? I don't know : / Dan
  17. Kimbo would not even have a chance against this! Dan
  18. I am not a huge fan of drifting, but this vid was taken from Columbus motor speedway when nopi was here, it's pretty cool! http://videos.streetfire.net/video/NOPI-Drift-Ohio_167092.htm Dan
  19. Everyone, This is one bad ass stick car, I am not a ford guy but I love this car!!! http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Wicked-Fast-Ford_166416.htm Dan
  20. If you feel like driving some, and I know it's not "west side" but Grand slam USA in westerville is a good place to go.. Dan
  21. ***UPDATE*** Everyone, Well today my stock split's BUCY and I now own 35 shares at $68.00 and it is currently up 3 points. I highly suggest to everyone to invest in this stock...all the reports are saying nothing but good things about this stock... I am staying on top of it.. Just thought I would share! Dan
  22. IPS, need's to top that!!! http://videos.streetfire.net/video/1348-awhp-3000gt-vr4_162828.htm Dan
  23. With Audi buying them, they sure do look a lot better and making them AWD, even better Dan
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