I just wanted to share some things that I have been thinking of, as I sit here and look around on the net for exactly what happened to Scott, it breaks my heart. Here it is 2:30 am in the morning my wife and 3 kids are all a sleep as I toss and turn in my bed thinking about Scott and his family. My dad has been working with the NHRA and Jim Head for over 30 years, my father spends over 9 months on the road racing and doing what he loves to do. As I sit here watching the videos of the racers talking about the event today and talking to my father on the phone 800 miles away, I am hurting inside...I am lost for words about this hole situation...the fact that it could happen to Him or my father I pray to god for there safety and keep them in our thoughts knowing that god will be with them doing what they do best.
Here is a link to a video that has just put me into tears, I could not hold them back, thinking of all the people that I know that have lost there lives the last couple years, George...we are still thinking of you my friend you will never be missed. It is going to be a rough couple weeks in the NHRA, next weekend is Norwalk's tour the 27th - 30th There will be an erie feeling around the pit's next weekend without Scott being there.
Good night everyone and please stay safe out there, our lives can be taken from us at any point...as is the case for Scott Kalitta :cry
Thanks for reading
Weaver family