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Everything posted by ChevyMan1972

  1. http://www.racingjunk.com/post/907580/V8-Focus-StreetCar-347-quot-EFI.html $19,900 Looks nice 2 Dan
  2. Boy....what can I say! Bought Memphis M-class 10's from Mike Long. Was having some trouble with them as far as tearing apart (Me being to rough) on them. He took them back after 8 months of use and did a trade in on some AWESOME Alpine type R 10's. I will ALWAYS remain a customer... Thanks again Mike!! Daniel
  3. FCUK Moble electronics..... SOUND INVESTMENT FTW!!! Dan
  4. WERE IN!!!!! Del Worsham just lost to Tony Pedrigon in the semi's so that locks up our 8th and final spot in the countdown. Update.....Dad just dropped off the body in Detroit, and is on his way over to Mirf Mckenny to get the chassis front halfed. Wish us luck over in Indy next week and the chase to the Championship Daniel
  5. Well......BAD NEWS As of this morning since they got rained out yesterday, Jim had the race won and lost control of the car at the end and clipped the finishline cone's Now Del Worsham has to win the race to pass us up by 3 points.....I have my fingers crossed that he gets beat somewhere within the next 2 rounds... Dan
  6. This is one bad ride http://www.racingjunk.com/post/908608/1967-MUSTANG-FASTBACK.html Dan
  7. So how does it feel being 25 years old? Dan
  8. Yes sir....I was called Baby New Year all throughout school haha!! Dan
  9. Look at this Sr. Pic back from 1992....makes me laugh every time hehe!! http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/Srpic.jpg Boy was I skinny HAHA!! Dan
  10. http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/TanyaE.jpghttp://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/Headshot.jpg Here is a pic right out of my yearbook.... She is just a Freshman in 1992 Dan
  11. Well when I was a Sr. she was a freshman I think....I will just have to check that out and post up a pic tomorrow... Dan
  12. Check it.... http://www.neilpeart.com/ The guy is just so well spoken....watch some of his instructional vids on his site... Dan
  13. Yes sir ......is it labor day weekend yet? I cant wait for Indy! Dan
  14. What are you trying to say? She is only 30 years old?
  15. Just a little cute blond that went to New Albany High Scool in the mid 90's....WOW!!! She has all grown up! http://www.tanyatayloronline.com/upclose.php Dan
  16. Everyone, Well the time is nearing for the cutoff for the top 8 finnishers NHRA Fuel Funny car points. Jim Head (Our team) is holding on tight to the 8th and final spot. This weekend in Reading PA will be the last shot at Tommy Johnson JR. To try and pass us up! Everyone keep an eye this weekend on espn 2 and chear us on to stay in the top 8. If Jim Head qualify's good and makes it past the 1st round we will lock up the spot... For someone to be paying out of his own pocket to make it this far, and he has been racing for over 30 years on the NHRA Circut, who could not chear for this guy, doing it on a budget is almost impossible I say. We have a real good team and maybe we can go all the way? Well see Thanks, Daniel Weaver
  17. No....what makes it better is when you rev it then turn it off.....best thing in the world for a turbo motor Dan
  18. Yep tried this but it say's its "Invalad windows copy" Insert a (Full Version) and hit "enter" I think we are just going to get a copy of Windows 98....or if someone has one we can use would be great Dan
  19. I am trying to install an upgrade version w/fresh new hard drive...will this work?? Dan
  20. Its saying its not a valid copy of windows? Dont understand... Dan
  21. Question, I am building my mom a new computer, and I want to know do I need a new full new version of windows xp, we have the upgrade version... Do we need to install 98 1st? Thanks, Daniel
  22. Well.... Yes sir its all about tec. I myself have my own and have NEVER been beat. Dan
  23. Personal best for me and my family.....Ginj's on brice road. Best Japan food in the world!!! Dan
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