Here you go Sam....with the money you make you should buy this engine for your rex....
This has been posted before as the best breakdancer ever, but I found some more stuff on this guy, and I think he is just sick. The things he can do with his body, moves ect. DAUM!!!
parsons auto parts. They sell brand new aftermarket bumper covers, I bought one there shipped in 2 days brand new $75 for my Galant....they should have it...check it out...
After making almost 2000hp to the wheels....something has to go...
Saw this over one streetfire, SSC Aero I want one of these in black....
Yep! There are a couple classes to run. The 250cc micro sprints, then the 600cc class, then the all out 1200cc class for the experts...shits expensive but I dont care its going to happen
Here is a vid I found of her doing PR's funny.
When she was in the sprint cars at KC I saw her take a nasty tumble over the fence and into the pit's taking out 1 team's trailer and racecar....they had to cut her out of the car.....crazy stuff. I think she is a tough person, who keeps on trying to complete her dream in racing...
I found some excellent footage of Sara Fisher back in her prime 18 year old days of 1998. If anyone can get a chance to go to this track durring the summer I recomend going to a World of Outlaws / All-Star event.. Tony Stewert owns the track now and its better than ever. I myself try and make it to the Kings Royal in Aug....
For 35 bucks you can go into the pits in the center infield and stand on the backstretch and almost reach out and touch the cars going by you at 150+ turning sideways into turn 3. It is so freakin cool at 30deg banking. Man I want to get into this again, my dad tried it out back in the late 90's at KC raceway in Chillicothe (Alma) Ohio...its fun!!!
Just thought I would share...I will post up some pics of my dad in action soon!
bump......Alpine sub's are still for sale, need to sell asap....someone make me an offer. Box is small and can fit in almost anything, .50 cu ft per side, and POUNDS with a good amp!