Well this is a story just like Amy's from today. I myself was on my way into work this morning at 4:45am, St. Rt. 36 & 37 heading west real close to the 71 interchange, coming from Sunbury. Doing 55 mph minding my own biss, as a matter of a fact I had a 4 X 4 truck riding my tail so I was paying close attention to it saw a regular semi coming tward me....then all the sudden someone pop's out to pass him coming right at me...I slam on the brakes missing the head on car about 1" or so...the truck behind me locks his brakes up and spins out into the ditch!
I stopped and checked to see if the guy in the 4 X 4 was alright....he was a bit shook up as I was...shaking from head to toe!
What makes this story also weird is....right where all this happened if you look to the right of the road about 7 - 8 years ago is a visual where 2 young kids died from a head on collision with a drunk driver
This made me feel so freaked out I had this in my mind all day being a new daddy in all..