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Everything posted by ChevyMan1972

  1. HAHA I was going to post that one next but you beat me to it Dan
  2. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/339899/giantess_astrid_from_germany_shes_66_tall/ Wow...she does have high heels on but damn... Dan
  3. I dont know about you fella's but the "Go Daddy" chick in the tank top....I just want to see her Nakkid!!! Dan
  4. Can't help but to Laff your ass off!!! Dan
  5. Nope......who else owned a HUGE turbo powered vette? Dan
  6. Guess who's car this used to be ROFL!!! http://videos.streetfire.net/hottestvideos/4/6b3a4f17-eb9f-4357-b58b-984301715084.htm Later, Daniel
  7. ChevyMan1972

    Graphics card.

    Good old Gforce TI 4600 128 meg for me. I have had that baby for 5 years and has never let me down. Also I dont think you can switch from AGP to PCI express with an AGP mobo can you? Daniel
  8. What is your boss's name? I used to be into that when my dad raced a few years back? Dan
  9. Well, What does everyone think about this? I cant find any local tracks but still looks like fun.... 1/4 scale sprint cars, doing it in the dirt OH YA!!! http://www.luddenhamquarterscalespeedway.com/index.shtml Dan
  10. Here is the link where it was built....freakin awesome! http://www.weberprecision.com/ Dan
  11. http://www.conleyprecision.com/movie.mpg Wow it keeps getting better and better..... Dan
  12. Please for the love of god....I am going to post this vid and if its a fucking repost I am going to give up posting vids all together.... http://www.lazykiller.com/index~id~1521.htm Someone actualy spent the time to build a mini 100% Nitro powered hemi that sounds exactly like the real thing.....it just blows my mind I keep watching it over and over again... Dan
  13. OK......could someone please show me where this "repost" was? I am on this site 10-15 times a day in the Pic's and vid's section and I havn't seen such a thing? Dan
  14. All I can say is WOW! http://videos.streetfire.net/toprated/0/9016dcdb-34af-40e7-876b-980b00b01c3d.htm Dan
  15. This car is a steal! If I had 12g's I would rock this for sure. Its just itching for a small block turbo motor http://www.racingjunk.com/post/808116/True-10.5-1988-Corvette-Covertible-Roller.html Daniel
  16. Like the title says "Forget the small block" and get this instead http://www.racingjunk.com/post/788236/496CID-RODECK-CHEVY-BIG-BLOCK-RACE-ENGINE-TWI.html Not a bad buy I think.... Dan
  17. Everyone, Columbus Steel Castings is in need of someone with a clean background and a good work ethic. Someone that is good on a computer and understands chemestry to some level. Operation of 2 spectographs, checking our chemestry on our steel. We have 9 - 10 heats a day and enough work to keep you busy for a long time. Hours are 5am - 5pm unlimited overtime 11.50 - up to 14.50 an hr. + full health/dental and profit and sharing. Monday through Friday (and somtimes saturdays) Please pm me if interested. Thanks, Daniel Weaver
  18. Please just STFU.....dont you have something better to do than proof read someone's reply? Move on! Dan
  19. Everyone, I just happened to pass over ESPN2 and caught a glimse of this guy. John Brzenk. One of the badest...strongest arm wrestler in the world. The crazy thing is....is his size and power vs all the best in the world. To this date I think he has never been beat. I have always loved arm wrestling and would love to hold a little tourney sometime against all Columbus Racing. BRING IT!!! Here is a link of John in action. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT3fm7CPy_s PS....if anyone wants to challnge me hit me up through pm... LATER, Daniel Weaver
  20. Forcefed Industries For........the.......win
  21. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32276 Check it out.. Dan
  22. Bill, Give Sound Investment a call. Talk to Mike Long shop owner and let him know that Daniel Weaver sent ya he will hook you up. I have had 3 car remote starts installed from his shop with HUGE quality service. Later, Daniel Weaver
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