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Everything posted by ChevyMan1972

  1. Hrm I wonder if Coltboy has anything up his sleeve? What cha gong to bring JP? Dan
  2. !!!!!!!!!!mindfreak!!!!!!!!! Boring!!!
  3. Wish us luck... I am leavin with Dad and the Head racing crew on Thursday to help out. Wish us luck and maybe we can win another US Nationals victory which would make 3 We have a realy good team this year and hope to qualify good and run right with the pack all weekend. Anyone else coming over to watch? Dan
  4. Not sure....link Sorry if it was dan
  5. I would just like to inform everyone that Norwalk Raceway Park is going to announce on this comming Tuesday that it will partner with NHRA. This is huge news here in Ohio! Rumor has it also that they may host some big events in the year 2007. So stay tuned this week on this information... Dan
  6. Good time.....slow as usual nationaltrail.. But saw some fast cars for sure.. Dan
  7. ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? I just lost my dinner Dan
  8. Is that the guy's (with the Lightning) that used to own that clean white SVO mustang turbocharged? Dan
  9. 4G63 baby all the way Mistsubishi Dan
  10. I am a Foundry Engineer here at Columbus Steel Castings.....what may I help you with? What kind of material are you looking for? I may be able to help Send me a pm... Daniel
  11. Did anyone? Did anyone get a chance to catch NHRA on TV this weekend? Well Jim Head actualy did real well making it to the semi's and losing to Gary Selzi by a car length. Dad called yesterday and told me that they only burnt 2 pistons all weekend and on there semi final round loss they only had 45 min to service the motor and get back up to the line for incoming storm that was runnin in. Anyway they didnt even get a chance to warm the car up and still ran 4.83 at 315....none the less a good weekend for the self ran Jim Head racing team thumbs up guys Daniel
  12. What are you talking about Shawn........ Picky person Dan
  13. Here is the new fastest AWD again at work http://media.putfile.com/Shep-795--182 Enjoy! Daniel
  14. http://media.putfile.com/Movie-89-97 sweet car! Dan
  15. Here are a fiew pic's for everyone to enjoy Dad left for Brainerd MN today its on in the NHRA fell's wish them luck!!! Daniel http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/Aug0737.jpg http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/Aug0738.jpg http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/CopyofAug0726.jpg http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/Aug0733.jpg http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/Aug0734.jpg http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/CopyofAug0722.jpg http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/CopyofAug0723.jpg http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/Aug0727.jpg http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/weavedan/CopyofAug0725.jpg
  16. As title say's just right click and save as.....nice clean dsm....also well made video btw! http://www.spooledproductions.com/music/vids/evileagleninesecpass.wmv Daniel
  17. Just wanted to know why it doesn't know my b-day 08-06-1973 Daniel
  18. *UPDATE* Well I have been hard at work on my diet so far. I am 1 full week into it and here is what I have done so far. 1. 1 bowl of total with skim milk for breakfast 2. 1 bag of 100 calorie penut snacks and 2 17oz bottle's of water 3. 1 Red apple w/ an orange and 2 more bottle's of water. For lunch. 4. 1 bag of 100 calorie penut snacks and 2 more bottle's of water. 5. 1 Wendy's chicken BLT salad w/ ranch dressing and a 32oz water. That is all my diet for the week and has a toal of 11lbs so far weight loss. Not to forget my 45min of cardio a day for 5 day's strait. This week I am going to hit it harder and work on some more cardio. My goal is 32 lbs in one month I think I can do it ......wish me luck!! Daniel
  19. bah......she was sandbag'in it I'll bet Daniel
  20. Thanks, I will just stick to a strict diet and more cardio etc. I think the weight will slip on by in those 30 days. I am setting a goal to reach a total of 30lbs lost in that timeframe...... Daniel
  21. Cols Racing, I have entered a weight loss contest at work. Who ever can loose the most weight in 30 day's takes home $1000.00 Things about myself. I have been working out at the gym 2 nights a week for the last 4 months, mostly free weights, and started a good solid upper body tone, but since lateley have started to drink pop again and eat a little more than I should. And now I am back up to my highest weight 284 lbs. Starting today, I have begun a cardio program 45 min 5 nights a week mon,wed, and friday. Keeping my heartrate up to 150. On tues and thurs still sticking to freeweights and finish up with 20 min cardio. Now for my diet. Sticking to most un-carb food's eating every 3hrs....turkey, chicken breast....water and a bowl of special K in the morning. If anyone could give me a fiew pointers on how to loose the most weight in that 30 days.....I would greatly be happy..... Thanks again guy's and please no crapy reply's Daniel
  22. I will hunt you down and beat your ass.......I know where you live ....Na man for real the pic's and vid section has been slow the last couple months....Just want it to pick up a little....that is all! Dan
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