Cols Racing,
I have entered a weight loss contest at work. Who ever can loose the most weight in 30 day's takes home $1000.00
Things about myself. I have been working out at the gym 2 nights a week for the last 4 months, mostly free weights, and started a good solid upper body tone, but since lateley have started to drink pop again and eat a little more than I should. And now I am back up to my highest weight 284 lbs.
Starting today, I have begun a cardio program 45 min 5 nights a week mon,wed, and friday. Keeping my heartrate up to 150. On tues and thurs still sticking to freeweights and finish up with 20 min cardio.
Now for my diet. Sticking to most un-carb food's eating every 3hrs....turkey, chicken breast....water and a bowl of special K in the morning.
If anyone could give me a fiew pointers on how to loose the most weight in that 30 days.....I would greatly be happy.....
Thanks again guy's and please no crapy reply's