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Everything posted by RadDawg

  1. Mercedes has a study in Europe that concluded that almost 60% of wrong-way accidents in the E.U. were suicides. Chicken-shit way to do it, taking out someone else with you, but probably effective if you didn't wear your seat belt and did't have any airbags.
  2. Mercedes has a study in Europe that concluded that almost 60% of wrong-way accidents in the E.U. were suicides. Chicken-shit way to do it, taking out someone else with you, but probably effective if you didn't wear your seat belt and did't have any airbags.
  3. Maybe the SCCA should sell it like a dealer - the first one's free, after yer hooked ya gotta pay up...
  4. Guess I'd have to see one on the car to see how it looks. I've been looking at the Steeda(?) hard cover, but I use my back seat to put the kids in, they whine too much when you make them sit under the hard cover. Trouble is, I love the look of the "speedster" cover from Steeda, especially with the "roll bar". Maybe I just make the kids stay at home.
  5. When I bought my Mustang, it didn't come with a boot cover to go over the convertible top when it is lowered. I've been watching E-Bay, but all I ever see is black ones. Anyone know if Ford ever made them in tan for the 99-04's? My car is green with a tan interior and top, I think a black boot cover would look pretty stupid, and I've never had any good luck trying to dye stuff like that.
  6. I haven't been to a strip since about 1982 - lived in Akron, used to take my 76 Camero (454+bore/stoke=big money=low ET's) up to Dragway 42 about every weekend. I'd love to do that again, but I'm sure I'd need an hourglass to measure my reaction times. Always wanted to try autocross, tho. Watched a few times down on campus last year, looked like a LOT of fun, but it would involve dragging my ass out of bed early on a Saturday. It's all about the motivation.
  7. I love my Toshiba, it's not a projection, tho. 47" HD set, phenomenal picture. Paid $1800 with TAMS discount, direct through Toshiba.
  8. I try to avoid going in on the weekends, since I'm salary and don't get paid for it. When the weather's nice I'll take 104 or better yet, Winchester Pike home to Columbus. 23 puts me to sleep, plus too many cops around.
  9. I'm with Doug - sounds like maybe the valve timing jumped - compression ain't no good if the valves are open when they shouldn't be. While you've got the front cover off, set it to TDC and see if the timing marks on the gears line up.
  10. I do try to keep her clean, but as many miles as I put on it's almost impossible. You'd be amazed how much you can drop your ET's by simply removing about 20 pounds of dirt off your paint ;D The funny thing about Circleville is that even tho not many people cruise downtown anymore, most of the cops are still dicks. Must be a small-town thing.
  11. I work at Berger Hospital, in the Radiology department. Not much else left down there that you can collect a paycheck from, all the factories are shutting down and moving out. Gotta love cheap offshore labor. The ride's dark green with a tan top and 17" Bullitt wheels.
  12. About 20 years ago, being really stupid at the time (not like now ) I got nailed for 135 in a 35 outside Akron. Jail time, fines, suspension and probation. Really screwed my insurance rates for years, too. Hard to believe that anyone that stupid could live another 20 years with killing himself.
  13. Left work early, dropped the top and lit 'em up on the way outta the lot. Took the back roads home just to make the whole thing last longer.
  14. Gears are on the wish list, but a ways down, magnaflows first, then spings+shocks. Blower would be nice. My Kuhmos were listed as a "Summer Max Performance" on tirerack.com, not much tread, but God did they hook up. I wish now that I had kept them for the summer.
  15. . . . or at least by me dinner first . I live up around the north end of Sawmill, commute to Circleville every day, so I puts the miles on. Bought an 01 Mustang GT 'vert last fall, great price, lousy timing. So far only a CAI and tires (Kuhmo Ecsta's SUCKING in snow!) Plans fo' spring, tho. Other vehicle is '04 F-150, great for picking up pieces as they fall off the mustang.
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