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Everything posted by RadDawg

  1. Mine went up "only" $900.00/year with Grange. He's primary on the F-150, but is covered for the Corvette. Like that's ever going to happen!
  2. Only real problem can be police/EMS response, but I think Hilliard PD and Norwich Township respond to Darby Glen. Double check, tho. It makes a difference on your homeowner's, how fast they can get there. Plus there are times when you really don't want to be at the far end of a squad response area. I work downtown, takes me 20 minutes at 06:00 on the way in, 30 minutes at 17:00 back home. OSU could go up Dublin to Fishinger and straight through UA to Kenny. My homeowners has all sorts of restrictions, none of which bother me, but include : No portable basketball goals. No commercial vehicles parked overnight in street or in driveway. No "major" auto repairs (whatever that entails, I figure if I can close the garage door, it's not a major repair." Paint, fences, and such must be approved by the "Architechural Committee" prior to work starting. Just take a look at the homeowner's association rules. Seller should be able to supply upon request, if not they have to be on file at the courthouse, you agent can get them. There are RR tracks at the back of Darby Glen, they get moderate use. Check that out if it's a potential problem.
  3. I live right behind Seeley's greenhouse, nicer area for not a lot more money, plus it's in Hilliard proper, not Columbus with Hilliard Schools. Home values in Darby Glen (your prospective subdivision) have taken a lot more of a hit than other areas in Hilliard. Form your own opinion. Pending road construction include: New roundabout at Scioto Darby and Walcott road. Rebuild/install curbs/install sidewalks on Leap Road. Rebuild/install curbs/install sidewalks on on Scioto Darby Road. Not sure about timeline, but should go in this order. I think the Scioto Darby/Walcott road project is scheduled to start next year. I can tell you that Leap Road can back up pretty bad during rush hour, but there are back roads that can get around it. Darby Glen has a pretty strong homeowners association, for better or worse. You might want to check out deed restrictions before you pull the trigger.
  4. All the money goes to Children's, Bob Evans is even donating all the money from thier food booth. http://capitalcitycorvette.homestead.com/files/events.htm?eventTag=vrc
  5. Here's the deal, Corvette club had secured the old Graham Ford site for an autocross in mid-September. Just had permission retracted, mostly due to (legit) concerns about the quality of the pavement. Anyone have a suggestion about an alternative site on short notice? NTR and CMS have events the day we wanted to schedule, OSU's event scheduling on their website seems to be down. Trying to do this on September 17. I know, it's the Maimi game, but it's an away night game. Anyone have contact info on who to call at OSU? Thanks.
  6. Undisclosed location somewhere over former Soviet Union many years ago - pulled my own infected upper canine tooth with a hemostat and a surgical sponge to soak up the blood. Couldn't abort the mission for something so minor.
  7. Born and raised in Kitty Hawk. Too many people there in summer now, I like to go in late September or early October - great weather, no people. Still lots of family down there, tho. Kill Devil Grill has great seafood and steaks, but gets busy early.
  8. Neighbor is FBI. Does some kinda stuff he doesn't like to talk about very much. FBI won't even talk to you without a 4-year degree. He has 2 Bachelor's and a Masters. Not sure what fields. He even looks like a TV FBI agent.
  9. My old '01 had a similar type noise, turned out to be an exhaust hanger.
  10. AN fittings are plenty strong for brake lines. Don't know if they are DOT legal. As far as double flaring stainless lines, either it was low quality stainless or it did crack inside the double flare but sealed anyway. Of course I'm just working with what Uncle Sam taught me working with EF-111's. We all know how unsafe they are.
  11. AN fittings are designed to be used with stainless lines, and you cannot double flare stainless - it WILL crack. It really comes down to what type of line you want to run, regular steel or stainless. With steel you double flare to a 45 degree fitting, with stainless you single flare to a 37 degree AN fitting. Both work just fine if done properly. Biggest difference is cost and that you can polish the stainless on a show car. As far as performance, basically no difference. Stainless is a little bit tougher to bend into tight radius curves, buy extra for when you screw it up. The big advantage on race cars is the AN fitting can be disassembled and reassembled many times without affecting performance.
  12. The late 90's with the 1.8 had a nasty habit of snapping the crank pulley off the nose of the crank. Something about wrong grade bolt holding the pulley on. Real cheap and easy to fix if you do it before it breaks. On my Mom's it took out the crank seal when everything went haywire. Then it was a real PITA. I suspect this is where GM tried to emulate Japanese quality with the LSx.
  13. Looks good. I always thought they looked cleaner without the spear.
  14. Let me chime in, since my 2nd AND 3rd college degrees are in radiation technology. 292 mSv a day? We routinely deliver the equivalent of 3 to 40 THOUSAND mSv during a coronary angioplasty. A number without a point of reference is useless. Yes, there was an uptick in birth defects in the Ukraine for one generation. Luckily the human body has been exposed to radiation for a very long time, it is very good at repairing damage. Just like the plants and animals around Chernobyl. Most dramatic mutations are just not viable. Buy the way, those damn animals around Chernobyl keep walking right past the warning signs and reenter to general population, like they can't read or something! Radiation detected on West coast of the U.S.! Guess what? IT WAS ALREADY THERE! Radiation is everywhere. There is a beach in South America where the sand gives off the equivalent of two chest x-rays a day to everyone there. Stupid Brazilians live there anyway. Mowgli is right, we need to get off the panic and get on with helping rebuild Japan. If anyone hadn't noticed, we need products they produce. Some electronics and automotive manufacturers have already stopped production because they can't get parts from their suppliers.
  15. Dr. Steenson at Cardinal Orthopaedics in Hilliard.
  16. Not true. MRI and CT each have their own uses and use totally different technologies to produce the images. The key is to use the proper one, and many times an insurance company won't pay for an MRI until after a CT or other imaging is already done. MRI is great for soft tissues that don't move much, CT is better for bones or dynamic imaging, or smaller structures as it's resolution is much better.
  17. Federal law requires all providers to publish list prices for exams. Check websites, or call. Insurance companies all get discounts, usually 45-60%, depends on how much volume they do with provider. Contracts with biggest insurance companies state that the provider is not allowed to offer a larger discount to anyone else. Most providers will give the same discount to self-pay patients if they call and ask, if you have any insurance coverage at all you are locked in to what your insurance company negotiated. The only people who pay list price are self-pays who don't ask for a discount. I've said for years this is a root cause of the problems with healthcare in the country, but guess who has the power in D.C.? Insurance companies make obscene amounts of money while the self-pay patient gets screwed.
  18. Go the diet and exercise route first. Many of the meds can have side effects that you won't like. If you are borderline diabetic, HCTZ can throw you into full blown NIDDM. Lots of them can make you tired all the time, some of them affect your sexual performance. (An erection is localized hypertension). Get it under control now, the long-term effects are slow to manifest but can be life-threatening.
  19. It's all propaganda. Try watching a foreign language newscast, or at least (real) BBC. It's no wonder much of the world thinks we're idiots.
  20. RadDawg


    The C5 routinely hits 32mpg on the highway, average about 24 driven hard in town, plus 0-60 in 4.6. I'll spot you the 5 mpg.
  21. Try Coker Tire, they repop a lot of old school designs with modern radial construction. Not sure about these, tho.
  22. I spent two years fighting with Hilliard schools. We live 2.2 miles from Darby HS, thier own transportation policy states that all students greater who live more than 2 miles from the high school get transportation provided. After much discussion, thier final answer was "your neighborhood has always been a walking neighborhood, so we're not going to change it now". After two years I gave up. Good luck with your issues. I hope you get better satisfaction than I ever did.
  23. It's supposedly an all GM show, but they'll take anything in the way of a street rod, even got a Mustang pre-registered. Might put him in the back, though.
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