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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Ughhhhhhhhhhhh.



    Thanks again eric, for being one of four sane people on this entire website.


    Look, you Moh-rans, clean your shit up and encourage others to do the same or were all totally fucked. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. The most frustrating part of this whole argument to me is that it really should be one sided, yet there are soooooo many ignorant buffoons out there.

  2. You are creepy as fuck, and 98% of bitches are absolutely fucking bonkers.



    I still refuse to believe this is real. Do you have a suitcase full of leashes stashed somewhere, for the day you've whipped him enough to use them?







    Again, he "humiliated" you in front of people you will never meet or talk to ever, so you drag this bullshit onto a forum of basically some of his best friends, and make them all feel incredibly uncomfortable just for some attention? Public service announcement: You are a fucking psycho.



    Oh, and for all the sad sap pussies out there backing her on this... do you guys even look at tits anymore when you're outside of your bedroom? YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOUR MASTER IS WATCHING11!!!!!11!1!

  3. once again, our def kept us right in the game and our offense couldnt take advantage. srsly.. they punted from their own end zone 3 times and we couldnt even get a field goal???? ooh and they were nice enough to give us a safety and STILL couldnt come up with our own points. so frustrating. i put this loss on tressel and on pryor. i agree with LJ, tressel has been making the same coaching mistakes for a while now, when is he going to learn/try something else?? i dont think he needs to be fired but he needs to wake up. and pryor.. well ive voice my opinion on not liking him and i going to hate him for a few more years. unfortunately, they put so much trust and time into him.. im calling it now, he wont have a good grasp of being a QB even as a senior. i dunno if we were out of field goal range on our last drive but he took a fucking sack!? seriously?


    ive never been so frustrated at the buckeyes, and the big ten for that matter. why cant anyone else around us step up and help us out. and yes i know.. penn state.. well they need to continue doing it.




    Wait... Didnt Pryor win like, all of his games last year except one or two? As a true freshman?


    Wait... Didnt OSU lose 35-3 last year against USC?


    Hasn't OSU finished first in the country once, and second in the country twice (In a row, within the last few years) since tressel became the coach?


    You guys are out of your fucking minds. The buckeyes have had like 3 losing seasons in the last 65 years or something fucking ridiculous.



    PS: None of you have ANY idea what you're talking about... at least not enough to make any sort of difference, whatsoever.



    Edit: But that guy at Smartfootball does. That shit was BRUTAL to read. Why not keep Tressel and basically tell him he has to change his playbook, or hire an offensive coordinator that calls plays to get the job done?

  4. Are we really supposed to apologize that OSU has finished... second twice in a row?


    How can Michigan fans even say ANYTHING?! They havent won in like... six (five).... years? Keep hating please, and losing games that the Fucking Bobcats have a good shot at winning every year.

  5. Agreed as well. But when they do go to jail, they get the cable TV, 3 meals a day, roof over their head, AC in the summer, heat in the winter, and free medical care.


    Don't Drug test, get rid of welfare in General. Welfare cause people to become leechs.


    What if I loose my Job you say? Thats what family and friends are for. To help you get back on your feet. That is the way it should be.




    Are you an idiot? Family and friends? You ARE aware that some people dont have family, or have a family that doesnt have the capacity to "help out," right?

  6. You're all ass-backwards and stupid.



    Green, shut up. This country's actions for the last..... 60 years have been embarrassing. Something like this doesn't even qualify as on the radar. there will always be dissent, always.


    Whitebread hilljacks, Shut up. Stop saying " I HATE DEM DURNED LIBBRELS SO MUCH, DAG-NABBIT!" The rest of the world is leaving you behind. Stop placing everyone who opposes your viewpoints into tiny boxes with labels, because it forces you to think in the same way.... and we'll never get anywhere with that attitude.



    And yes, Im aware of the irony of calling you all whitebread hilljacks, then admonishing you for excessive labeling.

  7. I care about my messages more then public safety. Honestly if some dumbass kills themselves while texting, good ridance. If they take out some other idiots when they die, fuck it, collateral damage. The world needs less idiots, let them kill themselves off, I'll take my chances until they're gone.




    Dont you technically qualify as an idiot?

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