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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Educate me then, Jones. Tell me what's wrong with my statement about Audi? Tell me why the buying public looks at audi in a good light but not the best light behind MB and BMW. 3rd place is 3rd place. Just like dodge. Not a diss...reality.


    Are you trying to hurt my feelings? Sorry, bro. We sell plenty of cars, so don't worry about me.


    You know what I allow you to know about me. You think my Taurus and Mustang are the only vehicles I own? That's cool...a little shortsighted, but cool.


    "Snide remarks?" You Audi boys are the ones throwing out terms like rattle traps, pieces of crap etc...when did I ever belittle your ride. I couldnt care less. They are damn nice rides and for what you boys pay for them, they better be.


    What I do care about is Ford, GM and Dodge. No one in their right mind wants to see them fail. We want to see change, but not failure.



    Captain E-Peen cant hear you from his high horse.

  2. yeah i've played a lot of GB matches and they are real assholes sometimes... im expecting the MLG event to be different but i could be wrong. either way, it will be just to just go!


    Event are not much different. Halo 3 kids in general are a bunch of douchbags. Stick with your friends and you'll have a good time.

  3. Haha wow, never thought I'd see a post on CR like this.



    Uh, basically Ohio kids have been begging for a columbus event for EVER... and a buddy of mine told me about this before they announced it and I accidentally posted it on the website... Oops. They were less than happy about it.



    Im planning on attending, regardless of if I get a job this weekend or not. Look for me wearing a shirt that says "Halo 1 Proze" on the front and "Yogi" on the back.




    You think YOURE nerdy?

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