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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. The kitchen was created so that me, dj, and tilley had a place to make people look like fools. None of really post habitually anymore, so yall should delete this section. All it is nowadays is the same ignorant rednecks yodeling at each other.
  2. I think it is more the Owner/Operators faults. Don't blame yourself Ben, don't get me wrong you are a huge tool that is borderline retarded, but its not all your fault either.




    I'm actually LOL'ing reallly hard right now.



    And for once, I agree with sam.

  3. This thread started out awesomely, then got gayed up by two people who routinely start fights at bars (wow, you're the guy that everyone hates and makes fun of. All the time.) talking smack to each other and trying to set up a "fight" at the guy who owns the board's house.





    GG, new low for CR. At least there are people around with the sense to put an end to the nonsense.




    Oh, and Mike vs Clark.



    Marc vs Rick.


    Adam vs a Real Bear.


    Skinny Ant vs Large Ant


    Streetlight vs Streetlight Jr (10 seconds, at most.)


    Joe vs. Every tasteful import owner on the site, ever


    Gearhead vs Cletus The Slack-jawed Yokel from the Simpsons


    Dr Jon vs Ryan Seacrest

  4. I hope that Kenny can see this in some way to know how much people cared about him. Of course, it will also give him a boatload of fodder to flame the fuck out of all of us for being weeping pansy asses...


    Kenny was a CR icon in every since of the word. He was always - always - true to himself and what he believed, and he never caved or compromised or yielded. He never changed an iota in all the years I had the privilege of knowing him. Also, it didn't matter if you were his buddy or his enemy on here, he'd give it to you straight. He despised all things roll racing, Cleveland Browns, and the Columbus Police Department, and he wouldn't hesitate to remind you of those things whenever he felt you needed reminded. He was continuously an imposing force on this board - whether or not you agreed with him, you definitely respected him. When Kenny spoke, people listened.


    Ever notice how Kenny's posts were always very short, very direct, and effective? I always admired that about him - where it would take someone like me two or three paragraphs to get something across, he could do it in a line or two. He's one of the very few people on this board that I really had no desire to ever cross or get into a battle of wits with - because I always knew I was just simply outmatched.


    I am honored to be able to call Kenny my friend. I will miss him very much, and I hope that, in the coming days, weeks, and years, we can do his memory and life justice in our tributes to him. CR will never, ever be the same without him, though it was undoubtedly made a better, much more unique place because of him.




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