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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. The root of this stupidity is the lack of a REAL public transit system. Next time its on the ballot guys, vote for it. Seriously.









    i was always completely baffled by the timing of closing major commuter routes in columbus. Sawmill at the 270 exit would be closed for construction at 530 pm on a friday at LEAST once a year... and that was an intersection where the line to get off the highway would be at least a mile long without construction.

  2. I am not a rich movie star but I consider myself to be on a the track to live a rather rich and fulfilling life that has exposed me to a lot. However I do not have any intention of having a rope strung around my "boys" and another around my neck and then the two being tied together. There are just some experiences in life that I do not wish to participate in.


    RIP brother. I enjoyed your work.




    When youve fucked as many bitches as carradine has, you gotta mix it up a little.

  3. What a waste of thread space, lol.


    No but really. . sucks for those not involved, but I couldn't agree more that high school is merely a taste of getting up early and select retention. . everything else in between is just bullshit drama and blurry memories.




    This should be in Fucking Websters. Seriously.

  4. Yeah your right, sorry i'm not a sheep like most and think political correctness is the way to go. Here we'll fix your country while ours goes to hell and back. BTW how many weapons of mass destruction has our country found over there? Oh thats right....but im sure the taliban is just hoarding them underground waiting to release them on us. Nah instead they'll just send people over to be trained by us then fly our planes into our buildings, all because we allowed them to live in our country illegally. Wanna debate?


    Our country is by no means "Going to Hell and Back." The fact that you think this is a major reason why people in foreign countries dislike us.


    Do you still have running water? A car to drive? Food to eat? Are bombs falling on your neighborhood on a daily basis? Do you see gun wielding militants when you walk to the town's well to get your allotted 2 cups of water per day?



    If you aren't going to put yourself in other people's shoes, you shouldnt express your political opinion. (Translated: If your worldview comes entirely from foxnews, or any singular news outlet for that matter, shut the fuck up.)



    And 100 million aint shit. Dont we spend billions a year buying military shit for Israel?



    Double standards are fucking awesome.




    PS: The last two sentences of your paragraph is basically the entire country's ignorance condensed into 100 characters or less.

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