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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. You all suck... Here's a hint: Truth or date...
  2. Pear is the same way, say "pear" a buncha times in a row... Creepy.
  3. "You've called down the Thunder, well now you've got it... Security!"... BLAM! ... Name tha movie, bitches.
  4. graemlins/lol.gif ... Sorry dude.
  5. I'm insane, so that took me all of five minutes.
  6. .... You haven;t heard what happened today, have you? Call me.
  7. It's sweet that i rode today and you didn't. graemlins/lol.gif
  8. The title of this thread = trueism. Treat em like shit, They love you. Be nice to them, they lose all respect for you. I was told this by my current girlfriend who admitted to it. It's so true, too, even in the littlest incidents. If we're watching a movie and I sit on the opposite side of the couch or dont lay next to her or something, she pulls all this cute shit to get me to come be next to her. If i just outright sit next to her or wehatever, she acts all cold and indifferent. Women are stupid, simple, cheap whores who like nothing more than they do attention. The sooner all men figure this out, the sooner all of the women will be back in the kitchen and laundry room like they belong. On a side note, older women = the hawtness. I'm practically enfatuated with two women in my dorm, one is an RA and the Other is an RD>.. the Rd is twenty six, and the RA is like 21..... Yum.
  9. I needed money for college/girlfriend's xmas gift, and it had a fuel leak or two that I didn't have the time to fix... So I sold it to Nick for a good price so that it could be ridden like it should be. I'm in the market for another one now though, since I'll be working alot this summer.
  10. Do you still have that F1 for sale?
  11. Devils Advocate


    Bingo. his Thesaurus is as worn out as his mom's... favorite sweater.
  12. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=49999&item=4550175235&rd=1 ....Kentucky, that is all.
  13. You lose at life... Again. Here's why. You're tooling around in a CS server one day, because you have no life and your parents won't give you any money to put "petrol" in the "uberwagen". You're "pwnzring some nubs", when all of a sudden, xNerd-hax-x enters your server. He immideately begins killing everyone in the server, and is obviously hacking. Everyone else leaves the server, because they realize that some people are homosexual enough to cheat, and leave it be. You, however, are incensed to the point where you lose all self control. You quickly pop in the latest Teletubbies DVD to make yourself feel better, and begin trolling forums to find cheats to "get back at teh "Haxerjack", which you eventually do. However, instead of deleting the Hacking system right after you've finished righting wrongs that nobody else cares about, you begin to use the hacks in normal everyday servers. You begin to realize that a sort of nerd-worship has begun whenever you set foot inside a CS server. You like the fear that your name, "xChubby-Volvox1337" brings to middle-schoolers and bespectaled, jobless thirty-year-olds. Your entire life becomes consumed by your ability to kill computer-generated images of soldiers in an online arens, until you one day strangle yourself with the mouse cord accidentally while reaching for the ever-present bowl of Ruffles on your computer desk. ..... I'm just trying to save your life.
  14. He should be asking 10k, since it has a Chrome Suzuki Decal... In all honesty, that sounds a bit steep, but I don't know that much about gixxers.
  15. Wow, that cartoon video comes to mind here... "Fag-getsh!!"
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