It is absolutely incredible how retarded some of you appear to be on this messageboard. I swear, if I have to see words like "sware", "feer", "Mcdonolds"(IT'S ONE OF THE BIGGEST COMPANIES IN THE WORLD, YOU BASTAGE, AND THERE IS ONE ON NEARLY EVERY CORNER IN THE CITY) and "threw" (Through, you fuckheads, it's T-H-R-O-U-G-H) for much longer, I'm going to develop a spellcheck that gives you a nasty virus or spyware infection every time you mess up anything on a list of words that I'll call the "I would know how to spell this word if I had a Third-grade literacy level" list. Jesus H. Christ, keep a dictionary next to your computer or something.
Post some of your favorite fuckups in this thread if you feel like it, I need a good laugh.