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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Bullshit, 1000hp for 20k? Sorry sam. No way. graemlins/bsflag.gif
  2. graemlins/gay.gif ... Paint in purple and yellow with polished wheels.
  3. Oh, shit. I embellished a little bit. How much did that Supra cost him? No less than 20k, I bet. There arent any 600's on the market that cost more than 8k. I'll go out on a limb and estimate mark has 20 thou or more into that car. I should hope a 40k+ vehicle would be able to beat an 8k one. Shouldn't you be banging supermodels?
  4. The Sweat comment was directed at DJ, not you. You were just a casualty of the flame since DJ had named you as his "general" or whatever gay shit that was. The part about you using The word inane how you did that bothered me was because you said "silly (inane and irrelivant)". If you're going to say that, use commas, or just use inane. How are you going to try and say that me talking shit about your mom is stupid when you did it not 6 posts prior?? Poor form. graemlins/nonono.gif
  5. DJ, Don't act like you own this place. I haven't been impressed with anything you've posted throughout the entire duration of the flame room, save for your "super premium" ownage of cam'ron, who should be halfway to some small foreign country by now. The only shit I've been seeing from you lately have been posts akin to "Oh man, I rule. Shit, I rock so hard and you guys suck. Stop posting, because your smack isn't NEARLY as cool as mine. Damn." Let it go, I'm sure you've already impressed Jessie to the point where he wants to lick the sweat off your nuts. Mission accomplished. Bobby Lee, I have several things to say to you. I know that none of these things will penetrate that thick skull of yours, because you're always ready with excuses like "But it's the Intrarwab, They dont REALLY think my Escort looks like something straight out of The fast and the Furious 3: Mexico city!!?1!" You MUST, for your own sake, Realize that everyone who is not a member of www.neonzarecool.com either laughs hysterically at or vomits with repulsion whenever they see that Nobly powered (if anyone gets that, I love you) Rice fest adorning your poor grocery getter. Another thing. You're trying to tell us that being able to speak a foreign language (something that nearly everyone in every other country in the world can do... Many of them speak three or four languages) is more important than understanding how the physics of our earth work, and that being able to translate a simple sentence for someone is more important than inventing, building, and maintaining current and future technologies? Wow, bud, I guess you must have been sitting with the L.D kids coloring for four years to form that kind of opinion. On a side note, my 31 > your 26. graemlins/finger.gif Jesse, I was impressed by some of your posts. You displayed some quality ownage, but there were times when it seemed that you were throwing in big/seldom used words (example: Inane) for the hell of it, and that they didn't really serve a purpose other than to inflate your vocabulary. In closing, Your mom has been using both hands and her tounge ring for several weeks now. Turns out that women do crazy stuff when you can get them off 10 times in one go. graemlins/thumb.gif
  6. Several things, Douchebag. 1a. Why can't 600's shake the wingless up to 100mph? $60,000 prevents them from doing that. 1b. Is the Wingless yours? Squirrel. 2. You plan riding around the potential for inclement weather. Also, there are procedures that you can follow to ride safely back home in the rain. 3. Please. Are you serious? Go ride Hocking hills on a Six at the limit, then come back and act like you know what you're talking about, because as of now, you're making yourself look like an ass. 4. Buy me my boneless tonight, since you just got owned. graemlins/slap.gif
  7. I'd like to have Sex with a 96-98 Audi Quattro. Know of any trade ins or anything of the sort?
  8. How about you answer your phone, douchebag.
  9. Man, you're on a roll tonight, arent you. ..... tongue.gif
  10. ... It's a good thing you know what you're talking about, otherwise you'd look like a totally ignorant jackass. Oh, wait....
  11. Stop gaying up my applebees thread and go make out with each other, douchebags.
  12. Actually, since my motorcycle is stock, and doesn't blind people from several blocks away, I doubt that anyone has any negative feelings towards it.
  13. Uh oh... I hope kyle has enough money to fix that differential... smile.gif
  14. Wow. I guess that because a bunch of ignorant toolboxes think neons are cool, that we should all think the same way. Sure, you have 4000 people ("people" is a stretch, though) that think neons are sweet and that your 110 Hp escort that looks like a box is cool because you've stuck really bright glowing stick on it, but what about the other several million people in America who thinks (and rightly so) that your car is absofuckinglutely retarded. Crack and Heroin are in high demand, too. Does that make them "cool"? It'd really be easier for you to just stop telling yourself that your car is sweet, and shut the fuck up.
  15. Guys, we're going Tuesday.
  16. You missed the michigan thread, but it doesn't matter. Fuck Michigan, they're all scared of Tressel. O-H
  17. Tommy arent you getting married?
  18. Mommy and daddy? I'm not rich at all. My parents arent rich. My dad bought me a daily driver that costs less than the wedding ring he bought my stepmom. I bought myself a motorcycle with money I earned from working since I was 15. My dad and mom are paying for my college with the help of student loans, I have to help them pay those back. Sorry if the only thing you have on me is that I'm not paying for college. I haven't ever talked to either of my parents about politics in a long while, except for my mom, who is a democrat. Don't use the excuse "you're white too" to cover up the fact that you have a small penis. I really do feel bad for you, I hope you aren't too devastated by the verbal smackdown that a "spoiled 18 year old dublin kid who wears nice clothes" has given you. TJ, shut the fuck up and take your metamusil. tongue.gif
  19. ...... I leave for College (something you wouldn't know about) in two weeks. I don't think you can talk shit about age when My penis is bigger than your arm. I'll be sure to post some pictures of Hot naked chicks from college, just for your pimply, scrawny, white, trashy ass to see.
  20. Does anyone else find it Ironic that a man calling himself a juggalo said that i dress like a faggot? How much more do I have to own you for you to shut up and go away?
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