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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Kinda sad that a forty year old man has started a topic on an internet forum trying to insult a 19 or 20 year old, who doesn't care, for apparently no reason. Discuss.
  2. Is this anything like the King of Cali in Biker Boyz? tongue.gif
  3. The Rice paddy look scurry as shit, but it's cool as hell.
  4. Hey Sully, thanks for the productive post. Well done.
  5. Who are these people and what do they drive?
  6. Way to be cultured. "omfg I cant get girlz kuz all I talk about iz cars!!! L0lz!!1!" Way to be, stud.
  7. Yes, I have. Lots of times. Met you before, too. Apparently I should have thrown the -sarcasm- and -/sarcasm- tags on there. Guess the smiley wasn't enough?
  8. Super street. DOubt that they "invented" it, though.
  9. All I can say is, Hoblick is a pimp.
  10. Anthony runs out with a portable "stop" sign and makes them quit by showing them pictures of wreck victims.
  11. Ownage at it's finest.
  12. That's pretty Sweet. I like it. graemlins/thumb.gif
  13. Don't come to Columbus Racing for Street Racing, it isn't allowed on CR.
  14. Whoa, wait a minute - what about the guy who took his 03 Cobra to Hensler only then to have someone affiliated with the shop crash the car into a tree?</font>You are an idiot. If you're going to pull that shit, what about the time when IPS........But I'm not going to do that, because I'm not an asshole. Every shop makes mistakes. The guy from hensler had EVERYTHING fixed on that car, and wasn't a dick about it, if I'm not mistaken. Dont be such a cockface, dude. Especially when I was sticking up for IPS. What a douche.
  15. The vomiting heart is wierd?
  16. I would NOT let CR drama affect your decision to use IPS. I would, however, use Hensler racing in your situation, because they are pretty much a dedicated ustang shop, if I'm not mistaken. I have also heard nothing but good things about them. Good luck! smile.gif
  17. Dude.... www.rx7store.net ^ They will take care of you.
  18. Wow. Yes Please. graemlins/thumb.gif
  19. Please stop hurting your motorcycle...
  20. I would end that guy's life. Seriously.
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