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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. If you don't like this, then graemlins/finger.gif I'll start: Columbus Racing
  2. Some serious ownage in this thread.
  3. I was supposed to apply when I was younger, and I'm still thinking about it. Worth it?
  4. All I'm going to say is this. I'm waiting until the counter-documentary comes out, then I will see them back to back. Are you a Mensa member, Eli?
  5. Don't let your dad's friends drink ever again.
  6. Hahaha Erik has those glasses.... Fucking awesome, dude. graemlins/thumb.gif
  7. Those cops were pretty badass too, that guy had the dukes of hazzard slide at the end there.
  8. Damn, that bitch is smart as hell!!
  9. I hope you're ok, dude. Baqubah or a town close to it just got attacked by insurgents yesterday.
  10. I'd come chill, But I have to Pre-game for Dave again tonight...
  11. Wow. Last night was friggin rediculous. The best part about it is that it all happens again tonight.
  12. Go to the Dave Matthews concert.
  13. Who'se going, today or tommorrow? I'm going both. Alchohol + Titties + Dave Matthews = The Win.
  14. Sorry to hear that, man. At least they are replacing it under warrantee.
  15. I saw this cat once... No bullshit.
  16. We loves it when you be smilin'.
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