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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Holy fuck, look at the legs/ass on that girl!!
  2. That 7 you had sucked a dick...
  3. -rant- I'm getting pretty fucking sick of the Iraqi rebels kidnapping someone from another country, holding him hostage, and demanding that all of the person's country's troops withdraw from Iraq with the threat that his head will be cut off. It seems like they have someone new once a week. What the fuck does this accomplish? It's just so frustrating there really isnt any way to stop this from happening. -/rant- Sorry, just saw the news video of the Filipino guy and it made me really fucking pissed. Please dont delete this as it isnt a political topic.
  4. I just nutted all over the place. Wish I had that kind of cash, but I just got a new laptop.
  5. Uhm. Go back to school. graemlins/slap.gif
  6. dont mean to be a nube... But.. what's the point of having this stuff set up?
  7. http://www.dealsgap.com/photos/IM000132.jpg http://www.dealsgap.com/photos/IM000133.jpg
  8. OMFG hahahahahaha That ownt.
  9. Wait a second, does that Rubber Ducky have horns on it? graemlins/nonono.gif
  10. Tara came into to La scala while I worked there. She is the supidest drunk skank alive. Still hot though.
  11. That one picture is obviously a deer... WHat the fuck?
  12. Devils Advocate

    New Guy

    I'm going to have sex with your car.
  13. "Hohhh, dude. ::heavy breathing::" Fucking Crazy.
  14. Call eagle muffler, ask for mark. He made one for my buddies '00 Camaro SS in about 2 hours. real cheap. He owns. graemlins/thumb.gif (Number is in the vendor's section)
  15. What? No one likes Penn state. Didn't they win once last year? graemlins/slap.gifgraemlins/nutkick.gifgraemlins/gay.gif
  16. Holy shit Jon, your car fucking rocks! (seriously)
  17. That'd be it. graemlins/thumb.gif
  18. It's the scariest car ever?
  19. It's the scariest car ever?
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