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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. HAHAHAHA. Sorry to hear that dude, really.
  2. http://www.columbusracing.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=5;t=002491
  3. You guys are all cockfaces. All of you. graemlins/nonono.gif
  4. Does anyone have any idea how much fucking time that guy put in to that!?! OMFG!!!!
  5. It certainly isn't my six month old computer. So I should go with WOW, then?
  6. That guy doesn't have very many teeth.
  7. Your name is Arthur? That fucking roxors. graemlins/thumb.gif Supraforums.com? Or call IPS, I bet someone can PM you their number. Good luck.
  8. Yup. Roadrunner is fucking worthless. It loves to cut out on me randomly, like when I'm in the middle of a HALO match (shut the fuck up, all of you), or when I'm talking to people on messenger. After literally four calls in 6 days to the fucking "technicians" (and I use that term very loosely) and having them tell me, each time, as my internet is NOT WORKING, that nothing is wrong ( ), I'm about to lose it. What other Internet servie providers do you guys reccommend? Preferably something very fast, but not that much more expensive than roadrunner. Also, anyone willing to go on a sabotage plot against RR, PM me. (<--half kidding)
  9. May I come watch them? Seriously? PM me.
  10. Can I pay you like 3 dollars to have sex with the car?
  11. Can I pay you like 3 dollars to have sex with the car?
  12. Devils Advocate

    New Guy

    Sorry to tell ya, there isn't ever any racing here.
  13. Devils Advocate

    New Guy

    Sorry to tell ya, there isn't ever any racing here.
  14. That makes me want to hurt people. Lots of people.
  15. Change all of the "my price" to real price and you'd have a six second car.
  16. In the works, I can assure you. They will probably cast Hayley Joel Osmond as Takumi or something.
  17. Me > You at pool..... Ok, nevermind, I cant even lie about that one, it's just so not true.
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