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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Dude, you try to get with the highschool girls you speak of... And I'm 18 anyway. graemlins/slap.giftongue.gif
  2. Way to suck, Amy...
  3. Shit, I'm sorry I tried to offer him a bunch of different options, in case the Tsudo exhaust turned out to be shit. Way to be a douchebag.
  4. Rane, back when I was obsessed with Silvias and the like, I never once read a positive review of AWS. Alot of companies (JWT included, I believe) sell eliminator kits for it. I think it tends to interfere with the feedback you get from the car, hence jacking up drifting and autox and such.
  5. But they do have a bunch of sweet JDM stuff. (yes, I actually said "sweet JDM stuff" and meant it.) Plus, they have some wicked prices.
  6. My point, Joel and Integra kid, is that a fairly mild discussion about which form of drivetrain is the best was interrupted by some guy with a hongda saying "0mFg guyz, Stop bashing Importz, they are *** win!!" and an added jab at something like "well, a ford vs chevy debate wouldv'e been closed" (which it wouldn't have). Why close a thread where nothing offensive has taken place? If you want imports protected, go join Mekkahfire's forum where the word "ricer" is censored.
  7. I believe I will be sticking with The Lube.
  8. Dude, you drive an Integra. graemlins/slap.gif
  9. Grey Goose + Cranberry = the win. graemlins/thumb.gif
  10. Thanks, morgan, for reinforcing my post. I'm glad you used that Gay smiley, because it MUST refer to the fact that you saved something I said YESTERDAY. That is all.
  11. So you're thinking the only problem a bike has when it gets laid down is paint? What is "or bigger"? Have you ridden before? Can I have your stuff when you die?
  12. So you're thinking the only problem a bike has when it gets laid down is paint? What is "or bigger"? Have you ridden before? Can I have your stuff when you die?
  13. Where are the best places in town to get a cheesesteak, and why? I've been craving one for days,b ut don't feel like paying 10 dollars for a shit one. Lemme know. Oh, and before someone posts "0mfg this isnt columbuscheesesteak.com lololz", graemlins/finger.gif
  14. Jon, will he take a trade, plus some cash?
  15. http://www.columbusracing.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=forum;f=13
  16. Holy shit, a concept car without alot of gay body enhancements and nonfunctional scoops. Someone didn't tell the "Hip", "in-touch" executive designers about this project. That thing is the hotness.
  17. A man walks into a pharmacy and wanders up and down the aisles. The sales girl notices him and asks him if she can help him. He answers that he is looking for a box of tampons for his wife. She directs him down the correct aisle. A few minutes later, he deposits a huge bag of cotton balls and a ball of string on the counter. She says, confused, "Sir, I thought you were looking for some tampons for your wife? He answers, "You see, it's like this. Yesterday, I sent my wife to the store to get me a carton of cigarettes, and she came back with a tin of tobacco and some rolling papers, because it's "sooooo much cheaper". So, I figure if I have to roll my own, so does she."
  18. I like Hoblick and all, but this Liberal Bullshit has got to go. Kyle wins, because he uses sensical arguments backed up by fact, and, in a first for columbus racing, Offers a solution to the problem or question in his actual post! It is not Bush who is making gas prices go up, It's OPEC. They know several things: 1. Their oil supply is going to be gone in an estimated fifty years. 2. Gas is as much a necessity to Americans as water is. 3. We have our own oil that we have not used yet for whatever reasons. They are using these three huge factors to their advantage, ie; Getting as much money as possible while they still can. Once they run out of oil, that region has NOTHING, unless sand becomes popular as an interior decorating tool. Oh, and whoever is claiming that Gas prices would be better without Bush, Let us assume (and this is the probable thing to assume) that Kerry is the alternative to Bush. His plan? Raise gas prices to five dollars a gallon, to encourage people to purchase HYBRID CARS. That's a reat plan, since in a news article posted by Mark earlier, Hybrid cars don't get anywhere near the claimed gas mileage numbers. graemlins/bubbrubb.gif for Kerry. Douchebag. Oh, and will someone let me know when Kerry stops advertising that he was forced to go to 'Nam, and when he actually lets us know what his political views are? Thanks.
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