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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. And she isn't very funny.
  2. Devils Advocate


    Dude, at least one of us thought it was awesome.
  3. thats an SV650, isnt it? Or is it a monster? Or am I wayyy off?
  4. Damnit guys, now I'll go to jail every time I kick your asses. Anything interesting going on tonight?
  5. It's My birthday, I might be out.
  6. You stupid mother fucker. Do you know who controls gas prices?
  7. Fuck that shit, ten crazy white guys with guns can go there. Posse time.
  8. Some decent boobies on that ride.
  9. Guys, he finally found out what The Fleshlight was.
  10. It's called sales, man. She is just doing what she has probably been tought in college. It's common sales practice to follow up on shit like that. She might have even been calling them to see if they would get you a deal, so she would have a bigger chance of getting the sale.
  11. Haha the Nemo one is the best by far.
  12. Nice avatar, douche. tongue.gif
  13. That's fucking great. graemlins/thumb.gif
  14. He just fucking said Philly cheesecake. Holy. Fucking. Shit. graemlins/banned.gif
  15. Sucks man... I have a 2.2 CL. Let's find these kids.
  16. I went home after you like twice in the past two weeks... Senior.
  17. Call it a crotch rocket again, and Im slashing one of your tires.
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