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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. I see that truck all the time, and every time, a different mexican person is driving it. It's like community rice. graemlins/nonono.gif
  2. My eyes hurt. Sorry to hear about your back.
  3. 270hp from a 2 litre four?! what the fuck?! That even puts porsche to shame, and that's saying something. what was the comp. ratio!?
  4. Can I legally strap this thing to my back while I ride? Bump for you.
  5. Bring it, I wanna hear this. H4x0r.
  6. When it actually happens, and is not part of a ploy to get money/revenge.
  7. Wanna get me a job man? I live right near there.
  8. HAHAHA that cake = the win. You and I need to get together and have a religion discussion some time, man.
  9. That car looks like ass, dude. Awful muffler angled downward at an angle, shitty body kit, ugh.
  10. Punctuation and grammar are your friends.
  11. Yes, but I don't threaten people on Instant Messenger when they make a joke about me on an internet forum. Also, I can spell, and even read, too. My taunt stands, ye warrior of the keyboard.
  12. That's because your car is ass, Jon.
  13. Holy shit, thats is a gorgeous fucking bike. Bump.
  14. Holy shit, thats is a gorgeous fucking bike. Bump.
  15. Keyboard warrior. Come try again when you learn how to read.
  16. Dynobrian. Name on here is Mobile Chassis Dyno.
  17. DUde, that is a badass car. Nice purchase. graemlins/thumb.gif
  18. I saw a racoon get hit by a car once. True story.
  19. In, Boito. CHris, you can't cruise because you don't have a car. graemlins/finger.gif
  20. OMFG where can I order that kit for my car?! Ugh. I didn't know they had rice in Australia. What should we call it, eukalyptus?
  21. I bet you twenty dollars That man is NOT white.
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