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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Bikes dont apply to this, do they? if not, then.. hahaha.
  2. Old, but still great.
  3. Applebees? half price boneless deliciousness?
  4. I'll save the rest of the board the trouble of responding. graemlins/gives.giftongue.gif
  5. Devils Advocate

    Just wow

    ..... You'd think that with the trillions of tax dollars they collect, they could hire an eighteen year old computer geek to help them solve dilemmas like this. As for muslim rights groups, graemlins/finger.gif
  6. that's the one. graemlins/thumb.gif
  7. Is there any chance that I can grab a ride in a decent car? My bike is apart in my garage, and it still needs to be shipped to Classic Cycles when I'm done tinkering with it. If the above is a possibility, then I'm definitely in.
  8. Than you, sir. Jack Pee, there happens to be a great condition 510 on there for 1500 dollars.
  9. Devils Advocate

    IQ Tests

    It's 164, or 146. I'll have to ask my parents.
  10. I think they are a myth. Not one, in any year, within 300 miles. Sucks, too. I love those cars, and would definitely trade my daily for one in a heartbeat. Anyone know good places to look for such cars?
  11. Good list. Add Boondock saints to it, and it's the best up there. there is another mafia movie that's a classic, I used to be obsessed with it, but forgot it's name. Centered around the Teflon Don, I believe.
  12. Devils Advocate

    IQ Tests

    Dunno, the standard one I believe. Taken it a few times, mostly when I was younger.
  13. I read two posts in this entire thread ; The first one and Supra Mark's, which happen to be the opening and closing arguments. tongue.gif
  14. I saw a guy wearing a hat once. True story.
  15. what is happening to your old bike? Can i have it when you die?
  16. I believe he is putting a 3sgTe in that bitch. If so, it'll be one hell of a car. graemlins/thumb.gif
  17. 70kish, and all T2's in America are 5spd.
  18. 70kish, and all T2's in America are 5spd.
  19. I just cant stop, Mr "my girlfriend is still in highschool"
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