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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Devils Advocate


  2. Come to my house, and then I will purchase you a burrito. Bike is in peices, man.
  3. Note: To qualify, you must actually remove said rivet. I dont trust myself to drill anywhere on this bike. As for the hammer idea, its in a pretty tight spot.
  4. So, In order to get to my inner two spark plugs, I have to unbolt the radiator mounting bolts, of which there are four, and move it out of place a bit. Well, this is an easy enough job, but Josh, the person who I bought the bike from (Drakkor, on here) apparently lost one of the bolts used and instead used a fucking RIVET!!!. I have absolutely no idea how to get this out, and if anyone feels like helping, I'll buy you Chipotle.
  5. Why the fuck are you selling it so soon?
  6. Why the fuck are you selling it so soon?
  7. Holy shit. hahahahahaha graemlins/thumb.gif
  8. You will all pay for the high school thing, bastards. graemlins/finger.gif
  9. If ya come out, you get to watch berto eat seven chickens woth of boneless wings.
  10. we're meeting at nine because it's so nice out.
  11. But that would mean he COULD buy a bike....
  12. Devils Advocate

    IQ Tests

    Wayne brady skit = funniest thing ever.
  13. That's not saying much though. This is Maurice Clarrett in a nutshell: He is a GREAT player that also happens to be A) A huge vagina, and B) A huge Dumbass.
  14. Ricky am I allowed to say anything even moderately derogatory? Like suggest that he buy a motorcycle or some such car for the price it would cost to turbo his current car?
  15. That's right by my house. Good thing they got pulled over, street racing is dangerous. graemlins/gone.gif
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