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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. One of mine is recent, A girl that I'm really into lent me her "The Darkness" CD, and a line in it is "I want to touch you but I'm afraid of the consequences"... This applies to alot of situations
  2. In, but not if she drives the golf cart. tongue.gif
  3. Post a picture of your girl, Berto. Someone shouldn't have to support an opinion of a girl with a picture of their own. On a related note, Fowler, Next chick?
  4. Just buy a motorcycle, Terron. Spend 5k on a slightly used 600, and you won't ever look back.
  5. Low budget, poorly put together forced induction almost always = Boom. Pick two: 1. Fast 2. Cheap 3. Reliable You really might want to wait until you have the money for an intercooler and such.
  6. You might try lightening the car. Take some seats out, carpet, spare tire, etc tec.
  7. That's one of the only motorcycles of that style I have seen that I've liked. Bump for you (him?)!
  8. That's one of the only motorcycles of that style I have seen that I've liked. Bump for you (him?)!
  9. So they want bikes? Would this be a good place for me to learn a little bit? I'd be very interested if this were the case.
  10. Stop bitching at the mods in public. If you have done something stupid, expect to be docked for it. They are mods because the people who own the board have deemed them responsible, and support their decisions. You are not being singled out by being banned or struck, it's because you did something stupid. That is all.
  11. I think you guys should site more specific examples of problems. Saying "off topic threads" and "highschool drama" is a bit vague. If you want to get rid of the non-car stuff, then just delete the parking lot, and the pics and vids section. Having a non-car related forum, and then saying that you don't like all of the non car related topics just doesn't make sense. If you guys want me out because of my slightly more than average +1'ing, then I guess I'll leave. I just find it odd that several people have said (people who have been here way longer than I have) that their post per day used to be 14+
  12. Trade ya mine!... bump for you.
  13. Trade ya mine!... bump for you.
  14. Cool, I'll try and let some of my friends know.
  15. graemlins/nonono.gif engrish?
  16. Great bike, wish I could justify spending that much. Payments?
  17. Great bike, wish I could justify spending that much. Payments?
  18. Scooting? graemlins/gay.gif
  19. Hey thanks man! That's why there isn't any crime.
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