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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Your worth to this thread is currently less than it was when you started it, which I didn't think was physically possible. Congratulations.
  2. This post is for those who didn't pick up on the Irony of the first sentence: You're an Asshat.
  3. Shut your metrosexual mouth, suburban white boy. Shouldn't you be at a coffee shop failing to pick up "intellectual chicks" (read: Hippies and ugly people) with smarter-than-thou jargon you picked up from a professor? Don't get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with idolizing lonely old men with bifocals and bad taste just because they know all about the rise and fall of the city of rome or the latest medical journal, but constantly holding your dick and crying yourself to sleep every night must be a tad frustrating. Yogi OUT.
  4. Bettina, do you still have your bike?
  5. I'm going to eat your babies... Perhaps in a mongolian barbecue fashion. (If you have children, please know that I was not aware and have no actual intention of consuming said babies.... But I might still throw a tennis ball at them for good measure.) PS: Finally, someone who understands what the kitchen is used for. Make this man a moderator (or at least buy him a junior bacon Chee.)
  6. Brandon, the bar where I work down here serves bud light drafts for 75 cents every day all day. Come visit.
  7. Don't worry about smokin5s, his opinions matter less than anyone besides a select few. Another example of complete ignorance to the truth: Calling the car in his sig rice, and accusing it of being stock, when his USERNAME says TURBOsi. What school system produces jackasses like that?
  8. Most people call that Down Syndrome.
  9. God damn I miss rotaries. The smell, the sound...
  10. And, For the Record, Jerome Bettis still plays because he's Bamazing. Is he on a one year deal right now, that renews if he does well / is projected to do well?
  11. I back off? Like any of you have EVER said anything to me in person. Hypocrisy is fun, isn't it? Hell, Last time I saw Knisley in person he was joking around and making me laugh. If that's how you Peckerheads want to be, then be that way. Just don't go accusing other people of the same exact thing. I'm nice in person because in reality, I'm a very easy person to get along with. I have a conscience, I'm funny, and I'm intelligent. It's when people start acting like hardasses and throwing insults around (and, occassionally, I get pissed when people are ignorant and "un-smart" as well) when I get pissed off and start being a prick. Don't act like a cocksmoke, and I'll leave well enough alone. By the Way... I know very little about gerbils, except that they don't have tails. Just for reference. What the hell does that mean?
  12. PS: Why do stupid people repeatedly try and insult me? It's like gerbils and electrified food, they just don't know when to quit.
  13. Way to run from someone you know is better than you, Marc. I got into college because I got a 31 on my ACTs, not because my dad wrote a letter? Huh? Using the tired, lameass excuse "you pay for your friends" really must hurt inside when you get drunk with the same two people once a week in some miserable apartment or your parents house, while I'm at a crazy ass party twice or more every weekend. Sorry that our house is crawling with girls so hot that you couldn't even look at them on the internet without needing a new pair of Batman underoos. You're definitely not one to make accusations of being unhealthy. I gained weight, so what? I stopped playing sports and came to college. As big as I am, I've still gotten laid in one week a thouand times more than you have in the last six months. You and knisely can talk as much shit as you want from your parents house or his basement cave, but the thing is... I actually get results. What do you do, scoop up on Brians ex girlfriend (gross.... sorry Brian) or whine and bitch about how Brandon fucks and leaves all the girls you like? Sorry that the lightest girl you've ever put your three inch cock into weighed more than you do, that's tough to find in a girl. In the end, the only person who gives a shit about what you say or think is You. Nobody is laughing with you, everyone is laughing at you. In fact, it's probably best if you actually "clicked the ignore button", because I've never seen an effective come back come from your computer. This way, everyone can just laugh at you while you weep silently into your child security blanket. Pussy.
  14. Wow, who on earth would post a video of a stockish Integra racing anything? That's like fucking a girl for two hours and not getting off.
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