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Posts posted by Primera

  1. Are people truly that anal that they need to correct grammar and spelling on an internet car community? I can not FUCKING stand people that constantly are the grammar/spelling police on here.


    It's normally a last ditch effort when you're losing an argument.

  2. Alright so I read up a bit regarding the part with the subtitles ("I don't want to go to the bush with you", "I'm not a gay", "I don't want to be a man").


    It's a ritual in South Africa (it was banned but not enforced enough) where they have you circumcised as an initiation to become a man, yet it's not a sterile way at all. They basically take a boy to the bush and circumcise him with what normally ends up being dirty, blunt knives by inexperienced "surgeons", which leads to a lot of disease and has lead to kids losing their dick altogether or even death in quite a few cases.


    If a boy doesn't go through with the initiation he gets tormented and harassed relentlessly.


    Still, a lot of dicks going on.

  3. Who's gonna pass them?


    Nobody. Emphasis on the "you" part in the first line of my reply. It's a pet peeve of mine


    PS - I referred somebody to check out your site when I was tailgating before going to the game today.



    And back on topic, holy shit Alabama!


    Also, Indiana was playing like a varsity HS team today.

  4. So I don't know what it is but I can't seem to grasp everything with flashing ROMs. I know I'm missing out on a lot of the capabilities with my phone. I try going through forums and trying to do research but I feel like I'm light years behind on what everyone is talking about. I thought I was more tech-savvy but it looks like I'm not.


    If I can get someone to either stop by (I'm in Clintonville) or run me through this in layman's terms so stuff starts clicking in my head, QS&L is on me some night. I'm wanting to flash to Cognition 2.2, optimize this bitch as much as possible, and actually understand what I'm doing.


    The only reason I got Froyo on it was because there was a one-click ODIN for it and I kinda lucked out when I was doing that.

  5. Fucking awesome!



    Take a guess how many parts were swapped out in between those 1000 miles and those 200mph passes.


    Yeah, didn't mean part failures. I meant the support vehicle(s) that had all the parts needed to swap between road car and track car.



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