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Posts posted by Primera

  1. I was right


    I had some kind of shitty flu over the holidays and I just starting feeling fine again the other day. Shit sucks!


    Yes try a shot or 2 of alcohol it might help the pain. Getting drunk usually gets rid of any sore throat I have.


    Better when you're drunk, worse after.

  2. anyone ever been to alabama? my gf wants to go there for school. her mom went there. is it nice?


    Well, you're by the Gulf. I lived there for half a year while my dad was in the Air Force, but I was a baby. That doesn't help you at all but it looked boring as shit when I went back and saw home videos of when we lived there.

  3. Good for that guy! He's doing his thing in a completlet different part of the world. It may sound stupid or silly to us, but he's probably takin girls all out to the movies and livin the good life not smoking or drinking and fighting with his friends.


    I was agreeing with you and then you derailed halfway through this. Good job

  4. i guess not, apperently i have more to do than sit on cr all day looking at every post.:confused:


    (I was joking) *double winky face*


    Seriously though, you need to spend all your time on CR so this never happens again.

    joking again

  5. My face during the first half:



    Future prediction of my face during the second half:


  6. i dont know what this thread is about, what i do know is that I got fucking hammered last night!


    I kinda know what the thread is about and it's fucking retarded.


    I didn't realize how hammered I got last night until trying to recap all the events that happened and one of the only memories was puking and almost falling into a pond (simultaneously).

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