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Posts posted by Primera

  1. Whoolly shit, was Josh Homme really in all of these great bands? Wiki just says 'associated', not sure what exactly they are implying by that.


    Queens of the Stone Age, Eagles of Death Metal, Screaming Trees, The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, Them Crooked Vultures!


    Of those, he's technically only in QotSA and Them Crooked Vultures. He started Eagles of Death Metal with another guy but now only sometimes fills in on drums.


    Part of the new Arctic Monkeys album was recorded at Homme's studio.


    And the combo of Grohl and Homme on another album is great! You'll definitely like that album.

  2. Sounded a lot harder than a dry-erase marker eraser thing.


    The eraser (or whatever) looks pretty fake when you see it start to leave his hand.


    The first time I saw it, the sound made me think he threw a VHS at him

  3. If I saw an Obama08 plate, I'd think the same thing. There's nothing wrong with showing your support for a *candidate.* But after the election, paying for a plate looks like either gloating or being obstinate. The election's over, time to work with what we've got, not plug your ears and yell "I never liked you anyway!"


    I support this message.

  4. I was watching a band play at Skully's a little over a year ago and this drunk kid kept running through my group of friends and just being a dick (mouthing off to anyone and everyone around us) between bands. I eventually went up to him and just said "Hey man, I don't know what your problem is but.." and before I could finish that sentence, he swung at me and caught me in the back of the head somehow.


    I wasn't looking for a fight at all but after that happened I snapped. My one punch connected with his jaw and started coming towards me again. At that point, I realized I still had my beer (bottle) in my other hand and a quick montage of every movie bar fight flashed in my head and as he came in, I moved a bit to the right and broke the bottle over his head (well, it didn't break in that awesome way, but the bottom of the bottle broke off).


    After that, it was done and my adrenaline was still running crazy so I threw him out the back patio onto the concrete in what resulted as the worst thud sound I've ever heard. He was carried out and I was able to stay and watch the rest of the show because I had people vouching for me.


    And yes, what I'm saying is I got knocked out, Sam.


    Other than that, I think the last actual fight I was in was probably back in middle school and I got my ass kicked.

  5. :jerkit: fuck driving all teh way to polaris ....


    ill be stickin to crown on main street here in renyoldsburg sucks to be you guys


    You just said you'll be hanging out in Reynoldsburg and it "sucks to be you guys"? Seriously? :p


    And I'll be rebuilding a starter tomorrow during the day so if that goes well, I'm there. I'll be the 6'4" skinny kid. Shouldn't be too hard to spot me.

  6. Honestly threads like this need to be deleted. It's not CR's job or the members of CR to mediate people who can’t get along. This isn’t a relationship site and it’s not a counseling session. Why leave this shit up? Nothing good ever comes of these stupid threads. The issues are between Rob and Linn and that’s where they need to stay until it’s resolved. Shit like this is not only pointless but it adds fuel to the fire and makes everyone look fucking stupid. “Ooo, This will be EPIC” “this is gonna get good” “In on page one”. Really, you all don’t have better shit to do other then instigate a fight between people you probably don’t even know!?




    This thread just needs shut down.

  7. Read it again, hes not taking the $30 million and not signing a no-compete clause. He is going to go to Fox to start a rival late night show.


    Where are you getting that he isn't taking the payout? From my understanding, he gets a the payout and isn't required to sign a no-compete clause. Money is still on the table. And they haven't come to an agreement w/ Fox yet, just hinted at where he might go.

  8. Yup, lots to look forward to. On the technical side, KERS is out, and the front tires might be thinner this year. They are keeping the DDDs because it was too late to get rid of them for '10, but they'll be out come '11. Almost all the teams have a new car for this year, plus we have the newbie teams and their take on the rulesets. Unveilings start in just a couple weeks I think.


    And on top of all that, no refueling. It will make for some better battling on the track, instead of having pit strategy be as much of a role.


    So, anyone else going to the Canadian GP in Montreal this June? I've been dying to hear 18k RPMs in person for 3 years!

  9. What is it exactly? Do I pick a career, is there an evaluation? Should I tell them to piss off?


    This will pretty much tell you everything you need to know about it:

    Vocational Rehab info


    I was hurt at work and diagnosed with PTSD and generalized anxiety, so they offered it to me. I pretty much told them to piss off. I think in your case (and mine), it wouldn't benefit you at all and would be a waste of time.

  10. F1 got boring for a while, but these last few years have always had something for me to look forward to. I can't wait for this year.


    Shumi was very good. One of the best. But I don't think he's going to dominate this year. My eye is on Vettel and Massa. And Kimi said he'd pick Vettel to be the 2010 Champ. This should be fun.


    I think the 4 top teams (Scuderia, Mercedes GP, Mclaren, Red Bull) have the most solid drivers they've had in a while and I'm definitely hoping for Vettel to be on top this year. I'm also glad to see Alonso in a Ferrari and I think he'll be one to watch (again) this year.


    I can't wait to see how the new teams (mainly Lotus and US) come along as well.

  11. Doesn't really look like Bergmeister turned into him, if anything Jan tried to bump him over at the finish and screwed himself over. Bergmeister was gonna keep him right on the wall though....


    Atleast how I saw it, you can see Bergmeister still turning into him as he gets on the wall (headlights disappear and is still shifting over). I really wish we could see a different angle of it but it's over and done with.

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