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Everything posted by Primera

  1. Their guitar player's name is Chauncy. That sucks for him..
  2. Actually, Master of Puppets was released in 86. Their first album was Kill Em All in 83. And yes, their alky days gave them great music.
  3. The guitar is bigger than he is
  4. If people buy stickers that look like bulletholes and put them on their SUVs, of course people are gonna buy into this shit. It's sad really..
  5. I'll probably be needing you to mount up some tires in a couple weeks then.
  6. Yeah, this is in the wrong section. I must say, that is one fast ass Fiat!
  7. Yeah, this is in the wrong section. I must say, that is one fast ass Fiat!
  8. The car sounds mean as hell! Good stuff!
  9. That is one slick ass ride!!
  10. Primera


    One thing to notice while you're down there is the driving behavior of the people from Florida. I used to think we had some stupid drivers in Ohio and went to Miami for vacation. They'll cut in front of you and not think twice about it..they're crazy down there for sure! Any of the beaches in the Miami area are real nice. Daytona Beach was also nice.
  11. For the GT5 demo, they actually just took cars straight from GT4 and put them on a PS3. It does look real nice though..
  12. Normally, I'd make fun of a wingless Mustang (they just look off IMO) but I think it looks good w/ your lip kit.
  13. WTF are they doing to all of Grove City? Now that 270 is being redone and the 270W ramp is closed off, I have to take Holt to Georgesville and get to deal w/ the traffic at the Holt/Alkire intersection everytime I goto work.
  14. The other guy got EXTREMELY lucky that when he bent down there, the truck didn't smash his face into his vehicle. Crazy shit.
  15. He's got more talent than the Ying Yang Twins, but that isn't saying much. I remember seeing this kid a long time ago. He's got some more freestyles he recorded.
  16. That was extremely boring, even though there was an Enzo and Lambo in it.
  17. "Mother... shitter... Son of an... ass. I just..." (punches steering wheel) Name this movie
  18. Yeah I noticed this as well. I actually was able to find a class C race one time but other than that, B is a rarity, then A-R are normal. I'm down for racing some D/C/unmodified races when I see you online.
  19. I've haven't spent too much time online but from what I've played, there hasn't been any lag. It stayed locked at 30fps for the most part. Only when you have a shit ton of people going around one turn would it slow down at all but even then, it's not bad by any means. It's pretty easy to get a race going. If you join a race while it's in progress, you just watch a grid of what's going on until the race is over. I haven't setup a car club yet.
  20. Anyone who decides to get off work early to go see The Pacifier deserves to get the movie ruined by some Jews.
  21. I have the TK R34 at 923hp (0-60: 2.6, 0-100: 4.8). I've been trying to mess w/ the suspension a lot but can't get too much higher than 1.10 G's @ 120mph. I've also been playing around w/ a 350z Track. It's got 673hp and does 1.13 G's @ 60mph. I still have to spend some more time tuning both cars though. I know they got some more potential hiding. When I see you on Live, we'll have to get some races going.
  22. I just acquired a 2002 Nissan Tommy Kaira Skyline GT-R R34 earlier today and spent well over an hour tuning it. Now that is one wicked car! I also got a pink 2.5RS that'll take anyone on And yes, they do have a VR-4 in the game.
  23. I played Forza the entire day yesterday (how lucky I am that the release date was one of my days off work). I love it! So what's everybodys gamertags on Live? Mine is locolotus
  24. The car is in better shape than she is
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