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Everything posted by Primera

  1. Look no further..Ign.com review I'm so glad I have the day off tomorrow
  2. Pretty much anything you want to know about Forza can be read about here. It'll be out in stores on Wednesday (4th) and from what I hear, the career mode will be quite promising.
  3. I haven't seen it before. That was one hell of a save though..
  4. I guess some people don't know the concept of them..
  5. Primera


    Yeah that bitch is definitely hit
  6. I just preordered Forza today from EB Games and got the last demo they had in stock. It was nice being able to play it through my 5.1/HD setup instead of the shitty TV in the breakroom at work. Less than a week away.. We'll have to setup a CR race one of these days on XBlive after people on here have made some progress in the game.
  7. My dad was in the same boat (company car, around $30k, wanted space). He picked up a new Infiniti I35 and it has treated him real well.
  8. Yeah there is the HD AV Pack (I know Best Buy is sells it, dunno where else you can find it) that comes w/ the component hookups along w/ a fiber optic cable hookup connected to it. If you don't have a fiber optic cable, I suggest investing in one. Once you get that, all you do is change the settings through the Xbox itself, then you're set.
  9. Wow, my first double post..
  10. While I was at work today (Best Buy), I got ahold of a Forza demo we had hidden away in the back. I played Leguna Seca w/ a Porsche GT3 and I cannot wait to get this game in my possession. It'll be nice playing it on a HD TV w/ Dolby Digital surround (I played it on this shitty little TV in our breakroom which definitely didn't do the game justice one bit)
  11. Yeah you can use your broadband connection. When you buy Forza, I'm sure they'll have a 2 month free Xbox Live card inside the box. I can't wait to pick it up next week!
  12. That is the sweetest bumper sticker I've seen in a LONG time
  13. That's at Travis Pastrana's house. That's the 2nd time I've seen someone get fucked up on that thing by missing the foam pit.
  14. I agree that Sin City is the best movie I've seen in a long while. But it doesn't compare to "Heavyweights". Now that's a great movie!
  15. Thanks for all the comments! I would tint the windows but I'm trying to sell the car and don't want to keep putting more $$ into the car. The G20 resale value is really low. I normally don't see one go higher than $12k these days. Mine is only $8k (but it won't have these rims w/ it)
  16. It looks like they just took the whole backend off the Audi TT as well and put some gay euros on it. I am impressed w/ the HP on this one though..
  17. I'm borrowing these Mille Miglia's off of a friend at the moment. I still have the VX-8s but I just wanted to try for a cleaner look. Let me know what you think. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/deftapcubus/PDR_1127.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/deftapcubus/PDR_1128.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/deftapcubus/PDR_1124.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v354/deftapcubus/PDR_1123.jpg
  18. Atleast the first time he pulled the trigger, as you can hear the click, it didn't fire off and hurt anyone else...just that dumbass I agree w/ everyone else in this thread, you are a moron.
  19. Maybe you should stop watching MTV so much. There are SO many way better lyricists out there that aren't on MTV because they don't talk about chrome rims and candy shops. 50 is a joke and I feel bad knowing people think he's talented. "Now you know the hoes, they know how I roll In that new Rolls with the suicide doors 22 inch chrome, a nigga money low You try to touch me, I put out ya get ya brains blown" Wow, so original! So talented! I'm gonna puke... [ 14. March 2005, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: deftapcubus ]
  20. Although I do enjoy his dry humor, Sagat had it coming to him
  21. graemlins/slap.gif It would be nice for rap to disappear but then what would all the people w/ shitty taste in what they think is music listen to?
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