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Everything posted by Primera

  1. I'm seeing "Purple Rain" on the shirt but then again, I don't have my contacts in. Excellent review (as always)
  2. Primera

    Own an Xbox?

    It tells you the manufacturing date of the Xbox on the bottom of the system.
  3. Primera

    Own an Xbox?

    Thanks! Got a cord coming my way now
  4. Yep. Just wait til you see what the next car will be..
  5. "Carney said the ruse was revealed when the temperature of the sample proved too cool to have come from Sizemore's body, and he was asked to remove his pants."
  6. The link isn't working for me now
  7. I'm listening to good ol' Botch at the moment
  8. One problem I did have when I first started playing with them was that they had these 3 songs already written (along with 2 others). The reason I joined the band was so they could start getting some shows together so I wasn't really too concerned on sounding like a bass player (and that I'm just not used to it). I was just worried about learning all the songs real quick so no writing process was really taken in it from me. So for the most part, I just played what the guitar players were playing and then with little parts, I'd try to change it up a bit. There is a new song we wrote pretty recently where I actually could be mistaken for a bass player (not following vocals at all, just drums). But Feb 5th (my last show with them), I definitely will not touch another bass, just guitar graemlins/thumb.gif
  9. Do you have the 311 "311 day concert" DVD? Now that's a great music dvd graemlins/thumb.gif They played 5 hours straight (I believe the total was 64 songs)
  10. That's actually what I was planning on doing. I'm only gonna be playing with them until the beginning of next month so I might as well try and help them out with some feedback.
  11. Yeah haha I know. I give him shit about that all the time. Like I said, I'm just filling in for them. If I was a permanent member of the band, I wouldn't have him as the vocalist
  12. Thanks for the feedback. I'm just curious as to why you think the bass isn't keeping up with the drums? There wasn't a single flaw in timing when I recorded it. And yes, I do know bass is supposed to go with drums more than anything and for the most part I do play with the drums. Keep the feedback coming. I posted this on CR because I know this board likes being brutally honest.
  13. For any metalheads on this forum, check out the band I've been helping out with. I've been filling in as their bass player (although I'm a guitar player) until they find a bass player who can keep up with the band. We recorded this demo in December. You might not like the vocals but just get past that and tell me if you are liking the music. Keep in mind the drummer is only 16 years old. myspace - The City is Ours
  14. Primera

    good movies

    Heavyweights graemlins/thumb.gif
  15. Jesus titty fuckin Christ! That's a lot of HP!
  16. that's hilarious! I like how he got one last hit in right before Kenny went down! haha
  17. Primera


    Fun fact: Swingline didn't make a red stapler before the movie. They actually took the stapler to a body shop and got it painted that color. Then Swingline started making them.
  18. I like those rims on the teg a lot! graemlins/thumb.gif
  19. I just laughed my ass off for 5 minutes straight from that one. Gotta love degrading women graemlins/thumb.gif
  20. I just laughed my ass off for 5 minutes straight from that one
  21. Primera

    3 die on 71

    I knew 2 of the kids real well throughout high school. One of them graduated last year and had a full ride to Ohio Dominican through football. From what I've heard so far about the wreck is that the other driver was drunk and was driving in the wrong lane on an onramp off 71. The wreck resulted in their car exploding and they were killed instantly
  22. Way easier said than done. I think I'd spontaneously combust after a month
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