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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. Nice Geoff, I didn't see that coming.......What a fucking joke! Take off the blinders and face it fools. Or, you could just live in your own pathetic denial for another 12 months.
  2. Damn, you keep amazing me with this shit. This isn't Egpyt but you seem to be sailing "De Nile". "Meant nothing"? So why did they even play the game? Why were the Michigan players holding thier heads down after the game? It cost Michigan the outright Big Ten championship you fool! Congrats to Michigan on winning a share of the Big ten Champ. and winning the tie breaker , thus going to the Rose Bowl. Let's hope they are hungry, still smarting from the black eye, and in turn represent well. Congrats to OSU for the best game they played all season. They took UM to the woodshed for a good old ass whooping.
  3. Rotarded1647545491

    O-S Who?

    Ohio Stadium = Woodshed. True Story!
  4. Rotarded1647545491

    O-S Who?

    Easy? Don't be so sure..............Your young QB has not played in this hostile of an environment before. Da Shoe is gonna be rockin! Can you say spoiler?
  5. What do an illegal alien and a cue ball have in common?? The harder you hit them, the more english you get out of them.
  6. Who did you sell for? Dealership and location?
  7. Who cares Berto, they have BEER!
  8. me + bar stool = no one gets hurt, but me. BACK ON TOPIC!!
  9. Madza RX-7 owner here, a car designed and engineered for the road course and one of the most coveted drift cars. As stated before, IMO, drifting is a frightening development. It may be a "spectator sport" but incredibly dangerous in reality. It is NOT cheap to purchase and set up a car to drift correctly. The cars must have enough horsepower, and a suspension tuned to do it correctly. Then add replacing the tires after 15 mins of "drifting". Those who attempt "drifting" on public roads and parking lots, with street cars on stock suspensions, on street tires, are just plan unsafe.
  10. Who cares what people outside Ohio think! The facts will present themselves. Until the facts are presented it's simply conjecture. Of course Geiger's job is on the line. But, do you really think that his presence on a network that has propogated the bias against OSU on this story is going to sway anyones impression or opinion? Get real! I'll admit it looks like he fucked up on this one, but explain to me why the O'Brien contract debacle, and subsequent wrongful termination lawsuit, enters in to the debate that Geiger is being a pussy?? M.C.'s allegations are true? Every article and report I've seen states that M.C. has very little, if any, credibility left, and has presented absolutely NO evidence. He is simply lashing back at the University like a scorned 5 year old child. "I'm in trouble, so I'm gonna get you in trouble too" There is absolutely no mention of the coaches giving M.C. money. O'Brien himself gave the money regarding RADOJEVIC, not the University. Did you notice no NCAA sanctions were given to the University? I am not misguided enough to think that OSU is innocent and beyond reproach. What I am saying is that M.C. is, and will be an, immature, selfish, pain in the ass to any program that will have him. All he will have accomplished is making himself un-employable, and get OSU a slap on the wrist for some petty violations that are exactly the same things that Miami, Texas, USC, Michigan, Notre Dame, and all of the other BIG programs have been doing forever. "At least I have class, and can debate with out attacking you directly." I simply "attacked" your post and stated that I had little respect for you in regards for your arguement. At no time did I "attack" you personally, that would be ingnorant and childish on my part. I'll quote you again: "All M.C.'s allegations are true; he has nothing to gain by it...open your eyes" Wow, just wow. I'm just in awe of this statement. Anyone else care to comment?? [ 18. November 2004, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: Rotarded ]
  11. I will not be making the journey unfortunately. I have not had the time or opportunity to get retuned for the lower temps and did experience some detonation last week. The possibility of breaking my car, and OSU ripping out my heart yet again, really doesn't sit well with me. At least alcohol can numb the pain.....
  12. My thoughts? IMO, it's kinda cool to watch and it probably if fun as hell to do, BUT..... It scares the everlovin shit outta me to think that this "craze" is catching on with relatively young and ineperienced drivers who will purchase 10+ year old RWD cars and go out on public streets and do this. Even if the driver, the car, curbs, fire hydrants, light poles, and buildings survive this, you end up having a vehicle driving normally on public roads with unsafe tires. Now, some will argue that "street racing" is just as bad. I see the point, but digress. The pure and simple fact is that "drifting" is intentionally losing lateral traction while attempting to control a car in multiple and continuous high-speed slides, leaving the inevitable out-of-control slide. What the most common mistake of the "inexperienced" racer? I'd say a mis-shift? What the most common mistake of an "inexperienced" drifter? I'd say losing control of the vehicle? JUST MY OPINION!
  13. You may now go fuck yourself! I have wiped shit off of my shoe that I had more respect for than I do for you at this moment. That post went beyond classless and into ignorant, uniformed, hatefull childish banter. Andy Geiger is doing EXACTLY what a good A.D. should do, being PROACTIVE. Think about it for a minute..... He is being visible and available to the media to let the football team focus on the task at hand and eliminating the distractions. He is attempting to eliminate the possibility of reprisal, however misguided or alcohol induced it may be, on ESPN and it's people by telling them not to come here. He is sending the message to ESPN, the ONLY people who have given Clarrett a forum to pitch his drivel, saying that we don't appreciate this type of biased and unsubstanciated journalism. He is supporting the University and the Athletic department by being the front-man. Not sitting in his office and letting the coaches get raped by the media. Cry-baby? I think not. Who else is even somewhat impressed at the balls that he is showing? Right or Wrong, Guilty or Not Guilty, the NCAA will decide. The fact that we've been through one investigation for this same matter last year, leads me to side with them not finding a whole lot else this time. If any of you thinks that the "booster" hand-outs are a OSU thing should really wake up and smell the coffee. The movie "The Recruit" was not just an adaptation of a fictional story. It happens.... [ 18. November 2004, 12:35 AM: Message edited by: Rotarded ]
  14. That doesn't bother me except when I have there ankles on my shoulder, and even then I'm too distracted to give a shit!
  15. Damn you piston guys. We have to go 500 miles under 4k rpm, and 1000 miles before boost, to seat the apex seals properly.
  16. I drove mine in today. Feel free to wash and wax it as well!
  17. Rotarded1647545491

    O-S Who?

    The same type of person who refers to Michigan as the "yellow and blue"!
  18. Rotarded1647545491

    O-S Who?

    Ding-Ding, we have a winner!
  19. Stage 2 ported and polished with a wee bit of custom work.
  20. The FC turbo and FD motors are nearly identical 13Bs with slight variations in the housings and internal parts (rotors). The FC N/A 13B is a 6 port instead of 4 port. Regardless, they all assemble precisely the same. We have done one FC N/A, and currently have 2 TII's awaiting motors at the shop at this moment.
  21. Zavier and I have ported and built over 25 FD engines in the last 8 months alone at Advanced Imports/The RX7Store, including my own. Here's a taste of what mine did @ 15psi on stock twins: http://flathat.woodstream.net/ColumbusRacing/ekim/11%20sec.jpg
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