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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. That's one bad motherfu..SHUT YO MOUTH..coat there!
  2. I have been poisoned twice and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. The second time I at least knew to keep drinking water to try and stay hydrated, and also have something to puke up, besides bile, every 10-15 minutes. Then just ride it out. The gestation period of most food born illnesses is 12 to 24 hours. That would mean you were more likely to have been exposed to the bacteria at lunch, or even breakfast.
  3. I just might have to break out the old ass-burning, Road Kill Chili recipe, best served with a dollop of sour cream and a Tuck's medicated mitten!
  4. We broke one 1/2" Craftsman wrench, one 1/2" breaker bar, and three 19mm sockets using a 3ft pipe on Vila's (Rmagic) front pulley bolt. 2 guys standing on the motor, and 3 pushing down on the bar.
  5. This man speaks the truth. I hired employees using this logic. Now, in a cruel twist of fate, I am repeatedly rejected for this very reason.
  6. Too bad it doesn't let you practice your 60 foots!
  7. I had a black Mustang rev on me, on the highway, once......Oh wait, you were right behind me when it happened!
  8. Not a single post belittling Michigan has been made anywhere in this thread by an OSU or and other school's fan.Two of the posts are taunting a Michigan fan's previous statement, in an earlier thread, about what games "meant nothing". Good game, agreed. Almost perfect, not by a long shot. Who said they weren't rooting for Michigan? I have wished them well since the OSU game, even stating in a previous thread that I "hope they represent (the Big Ten) well" It was an ass whooping by Ohio State. Big 12, not Pac 12. Please don't lash out at us because your team was beaten. No one is taunting U.M. in this thread.
  9. You couldn't be more wrong. Rane happens to be one of the most rabid Michigan fans on here! Bwahahahahahaha!
  10. I think John Cooper is still available.
  11. We run nothing but platinum plugs in the RX-7s.
  12. Try International Auto Parts in Westerville. We get our NGK BR9EQPs from them.
  13. Just playa hatin. That's all dey is, just hatin da playa! Berto Biskit is da pimp, hataz!
  14. The game won't be over til 11:30 or so. I'm sure we'll still be there, just a little sauced.
  15. I have reserved a table for 8 under the name Holland. They usualy require 10 for a reservation, but I'm a regular for the games. Myself, Wife, Kent, Barb, Chris, Ben, Mike (copperhead), Jesse. Miller Lite & Coors Light pounders (16oz) $1.50 Wings(big,awesome,award winning) and Potato Skins 1/2 price 6 big screens and 20 TVs Anyone else, I'd recommend getting there before 7:00 for any chance at a table. The bar seats about 30 so there's usually a few free before 8:00.
  16. I'll be getting there at 6:30, trying to get a table for 6.
  17. Chris: Buckeyes game 8:00 Lucky's (Hilliard Rome and Roberts, S/E corner).
  18. Rotarded1647545491


    Don't you people know that this "bitch" could show this thread to a judge and get a restraining order, and possibly charges filed, for a "hit for hire". JOKE OR NO JOKE? Think people!
  19. I guess you need that much more, when your driving a barn door down the track!
  20. It's seems to be a "trendy" styling concept. I agree that it's retarded. My wife has a Saturn Ion with the cyclopian center dash and it's damn near impossible to drive and watch the speedo. When I drive it, I have no clue how fast I'm going most of the time, and it's usually fast enough to get a ticket. The Quest is OK from the outside, but that interior stuff is graemlins/puke.gif . ESPECIALLY that center console.
  21. I was single, Club Manager of a Golf and Country Club, working 80 hours a week, every weekend, and every holiday, for $30k a year. I had no social life, and thought my 17 second N/A RX-7 convertible was a fast car.
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