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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. Welcome, hope you have a sense of humor! Oh....and the Grammar Nazi's are gonna have a field day with the run-on sentences, lack of caps, and punctuation.
  2. Who can bounce their car off of a snow plow and have the least body damage??
  3. Shitty wins 13 games? Two of which were against previously undefeated divisional champions? Put down the brake cleaner and paper bag before you kill more brain cells. Shitty is your grasp of reality. Go back to you AOL chatroom and chest thump to the rest of your 13 year old buddies. AIGHT?
  4. That is all that this is, period! IF that is his ring, he sold it to someone in the spring and now this eBay auction brought attention to it. For those of you who went to college, how many times while there did you wish you had $100? $1000? Now I'm not condoning selling a N.C. ring, nor would I have sold it if it were mine, BUT $10,000 for a piece of gawdy jewelry that most of us would never wear. I'd sure have thought about selling it a few dozen times.
  5. Ahhhhh O.K. I was gonna ask how the implant surgery went. Nevermind! Anyone up for some sledding?
  6. 1993 Competition Yellow Mica (CYM) R1 RX-7 Only about 500 shipped to U.S.
  7. 70 Superbird Hemi 70 Cuda Hemi Convertible 00 Bathurst R RX-7 04 Saleen S7 35 Auburn Boattail Speedster Daily: R34 Skyline GTR V-spec
  8. Unfortunately with vehicle as unique (in the U.S.)and recognizable, it's probably going to be in pieces, if it isn't already. A pity. I feel for your loss.
  9. I have had limited success with the "screw out". If the screw is made of soft metal, the screw out will not work well.Unfortunately, most extractors only work when a hole is drilled first. That is why I bought a impact driver. When I encounter any rusty screw, I give it a whack with the impact driver before I strip it out with a screw driver.
  10. I have had limited success with the "screw out". If the screw is made of soft metal, the screw out will not work well.Unfortunately, most extractors only work when a hole is drilled first. That is why I bought a impact driver. When I encounter any rusty screw, I give it a whack with the impact driver before I strip it out with a screw driver.
  11. If you wait until the last day of the month, you can get a better deal. Dealership car sales have been crappy all year. They are now getting more from the manufacturers in unit sale bonuses, than in grossing each vehicle sale amount. If you stroll in, show interest, then tell the sales-weasle "I already have a car, so I don't really need to make the move now. I'll think about it". Make sure they have your name and number. I guarantee he/she will call you the next day with a lower price. Once again, "I really don't need a new car right now, I'll call you back in a few days." Then, on the last day of the month/year, stroll in and play hardball. Make them lower the price at least twice while hedging. Then when you see the sales weasle get completely demoralized, offer them $200-$500 under their last offer stating that you'll take it.
  12. Your ride is here: http://flathat.woodstream.net/ColumbusRacing/ekim/waaambulance.jpg
  13. Nothing, absolutely nothing. The 7 is good the way it is. Well, maybe a DVD player and some subs, but thats all....... MUUUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! http://dieseldigital.net/forums/images/smiles/icon_twisted.gif
  14. White and rose gold necklace, and two sets of matching earrings, along with 12 other small gifts for the 12 days of Xmas. Yeah laugh at me now, but who's wife gives them so many free passes, AND EVERY Friday nite out??
  15. I've "expewrienced" no pwoblems with the new bwanner so fawr. Now where's that wascley wabbit? Kill the wabbit! tongue.gif
  17. Down for a trip. I used to be a Level 7 back in the day but it's been a while and my physical condition could best be described as "tub of goo". I'd first like to make a little refresher and party run to MRM. Tony (silver FD) is Ski Patrol at MRM. Was telling Satan and Fornicate the other night that I'm searching for a lost picture of me doing a daffy off of a 30 foot cliff at Arapaho, on a spring break trip, light years ago.
  18. Now that's a 240Z!: http://honda-tech.com/zerothread?id=861328
  19. Haven't missed one yet! graemlins/thumb.gif The Columbus boys will represent as usual!
  20. http://www.orsm.net/shite/update20041216/rs0007.jpg
  21. *yawn* gonna need at least 225 there cap'n! graemlins/nod.gif
  22. I might add that hotel reservations are already being made as well. For those who went last year, the LEE'S INN did not kick us out(after last year's little bike race and police sweep) and is booking FAST. For you non-rotary people: The Rotary Challenge The word is out, the challenge has been laid down and the local Indianapolis Piston-Pounders are lining up to take on North America's Fastest Rotary Vehicles. The Rotary Challenge debuts Friday night, April 22nd, 2005. Heads-up drag racing will take place from 8:00 - Midnight, and the rotary vehicles get the right-hand lane all to themselves to blow some flames on the hoods of the locals.
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