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Everything posted by Rotarded1647545491

  1. I am looking forward to the opening of the new one on Hilliard Rome Rd. I haven't been to IHOP since I was 12 years old.
  2. I've had good blow jobs, but it doesn't mean I want one every morning.........wait......Yes I would! Nevermind!
  3. Um.....WHY? Nothing good can come of this.
  4. Things that piss me off: Watching a woman in a large SUV craning her neck to look and see if she can get over two lanes to exit, holding a phone to her right ear and talking the entire time. Squeezing my ass cheeks together, puckering my sphincter, fighting explosive diarrhea only to come up inches short of the toilet. Circular logic or reasoning and as many have said: People who insist on driving in the left lane who can rationalize to themselves that it is a FAST lane and "I am driving the speed limit, therfore I do not need get over or yeild to traffic traveling faster than me."
  5. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&sugexp=gsis,i18n%3Dtrue&cp=7&gs_id=j&xhr=t&q=keurig+k+cups&qe=a3VlcmlnIA&qesig=9tGGucc-bZYvgxPxUaYQpg&pkc=AFgZ2tlKITtx2aQNwTwJgK2dAOO7jf8lvLFhD5ofo9Mhsc3KptumUB_vQz9U7w1Iu6wedYcRmbZTTppq5pcuoWQeHYyx1kOk_w&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1600&bih=695&wrapid=tljp1316444303704010&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=13849239709381476410&sa=X&ei=mFh3Tp-ZMMGpsAKw6tyLBQ&sqi=2&ved=0CLUBEPICMAQ#
  6. I've had one for a few years with no issues. I do use the K-cups , but mostly grind my own and use the mesh basket and cup. Works well and great for the 45 second cup of fresh joe!
  7. Sent! This sub box is heavy so it doesnt move around in the trunk, even when braking or cornering from/at high speeds , yet easily taken out of the car buy just pressing the two release buttons for the wires, and then lift out, place in back seat, put in garage, etc......
  8. I believe it does. Check the first link. I may have the orginal receipt. IIRC< it can still be registered with a free update. Just send in the SD Card.
  9. Got a new computer this week.....so: Lexmark X1150 All-in-one Printer/Fax/Scanner comes with 3 brand new toner cartridges (1 Black, 2 Color) Fully functional, perfect working condition, comes with cords. http://www.ebay.com/ctg/Lexmark-X1150-All-In-One-Inkjet-Printer-/48459577# $30 Dell 17" LCD flatscreen monitor 1703FP No lines, no pixels out, perfect working condition. http://www.ebay.com/itm/17-Dell-UltraSharp-1703FP-LCD-Monitor-/110742458834?pt=Computer_Monitors&hash=item19c8c3d1d2 $30
  10. Bought this for the wife at Christmas. She never used it. Sat in the glove compartment all this time. I have the box and all the contents. http://www.nextar.com/frontend/proddetailGPS.asp?ThisCat=10000385&pn=M3-06&co=10000385,10000312 http://4doutlets.com/detail.aspx?pid=14248 $35.00
  11. More things salvaged from my now totalled Benz: Pioneer 200w MOFSET amplifier model GM3000T 2 channel Bridgeable http://www.mobileonesales.com/product_p/gm3000t.htm Pioneer Premier 10" subwoofer model TSW105C, in 22" x 14" x 7.5" unported covered cabinet. Subwoofer is pointing downward. Cabinet has 2" cornered legs. http://www.carreview.com/cat/car-audio/subwoofers/pioneer/ts-w105c/prd_164234_1808crx.aspx http://usera.ImageCave.com/Rotarded/SUB.jpg http://usera.ImageCave.com/Rotarded/Sub2.jpg This setup would vibrate the outside mirrors on my C230 Coupe. It was installed approx 4.5 years ago. $90.00 for both $50 for Amp $50 for Sub MAKE ME AN OFFER!?!?!?! PM me for pics
  12. For sale is a fully functioning AT&T Blackberry 9300 with everything that came in the box 14 weeks ago. (cords, etc.) It is a brand new company phone shipped to me and was used in a hard case from day one. The phone is MINT! $125.00
  13. Package from my now departed C230 Kompressor: Rims: 4 Mercedes 16" x 8" Part# 1634010202 +35 offset 5x112 5 spoke ML320 rims Some curb rash, but they are winter rims! Example: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NzY4WDc4MQ==/$(KGrHqJ,!hIE5ok,Psw3BOc+pcJtT!~~60_12.JPG Tires: Dunlop Wintesport M2's 205-45-R16 5/32 tread depth left (good for at least 1 more winter) Spacers: 4 H&R DRA 30mm Wheel Spacers lugs included http://www.ecstuning.com/Volkswagen-Golf_IV--1.8T/Wheels/Spacers/HR/ES11773/ $300 or make me an offer. More pics to follow.
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