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Stallion Motorsports1647545491

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Everything posted by Stallion Motorsports1647545491

  1. +1 hopefully you banged her first so she feels really great about herself. tom
  2. thanks...im trying to source a known good hdmi cable and go from there...btw this situation sucks. tom
  3. hdmi cables are brand new from monoprice. trying to figure out now if it is set by default for the composite cables however i dont think it is, guess we will see. tom
  4. so i just tried everthing using the composite cables...guess what? IT WORKS! however i really want everything to work using the hdmi! still stuck i guess. tom
  5. i just tried a up-convert dvd player with the hdmi...same results. i dont see how the hdmi input on this tv could be "bad". i feel like i am missing something. tom
  6. everything is plugged in. this tv only has one hdmi input...i have scrolled through all the video 1-7 and still have nothing. there is no hdmi 1, 2, 3 etc... fml tom
  7. so i am just now getting around to hooking up my christmas present. i got a new blu-ray player. here is my issue though. the hdmi input on my sony tv is input 7, after everything is hooked up and i go to video 7 guess what i get...NOTHING! no video, no sound, no menu, not a thing! I am thinking this sound be a simple plug and play setup, i followed all my stupid directions, and nothing. it is like the hdmi input doesnt even know the blu-ray is there. i had it wired through my reciever and nothing, so i went blu-ray to tv, and still nothing. does anyone have a sony tv with a hdmi hookup? is there a "setup" for this input? thanks, Tom
  8. del-car auto wrecking/junkyard in westerville behind hoover had a wheel for a friend of mine last week. 2007 accord $70 tom
  9. rumor is all of the "companies" out there are huge scams! there is no govt cc bailout. read up on any of them you decide to go with. like stated above most of the time you can contact your cc company and negotiate payments with them better than the debt companies. i know cambridge is the big one that gets pimped all the time in columbus. i have had a ton of people i work with try and go with them. they constantly complain of late payments caused by cambridge. They have had all kinds of lawsuits, bbb complaints, etc. http://www.cambridge-credit.org cambridge charges monthly fees, sometimes more than you were paying in interest. they say that a debt management plan doesnt affect your credit...however they will close all your cards once your sign on. good luck, there is nothing wrong with looking for help. tom
  10. +1 what part of westerville rd, and how did they park on 23? im really sorry, i am guessing the worst part is knowing someone other than you was in your house...not good times. tom "sleeping with a glock under my pillow"
  11. rumor has it that drywallers that did most of the mi/dominion homes in the 90's used to cut sections out of the circle pattern sponges so mi/dominion would know which crew did which houses...it is a huge pain to match...good luck. the guy that did mine promised it would look good, but nobody would ever be able to get it perfect. i am the only person that notices the patch at my house and it is a 4x8 sheet. tom
  12. Motorcycles, boats, jet-skis, 4-wheelers, dirtbikes, etc... Over the past two-three years i have watched the market steadily drop and hit rock bottom on these kinds of items. Nobody is buying and or paying anything for what these items are worth or used to be worth. example: people are getting financed for $9000 for a 2010 Honda 600rr never making payments, and the banks wont even come get them anymore. the reason...they cant even sell them once they get them. by the time they pay someone to go fetch them, store them etc, they have way too much money in the item. these bikes are fetching 3k-4k at auction, the banks are just taking the write off on them. causing used products to just sit around. Nobody has money to pay for anything...there is no liquid cash sitting in anyones pockets. Used items arent moving at all...period. My question to CR...Do you ever see this market coming back, or is it lost for good? on that note im going to re-list my loaded front to rear 2002 Honda 954rr in the spring, i guess we will see what happens. Tom
  13. i have a cheap fabric uncle mike's, its ok, holds the gun, but i wouldnt say its great. tom
  14. bump, its a horrible time of year to sell a bike. make a offer/trade. tom
  15. Hertz rents a standard c6 for $100 a day unlimited miles. call me crazy, but i would much rather go that route than rent that guys c6z for his crazy price. tom
  16. called them. they only have the zo6. he wants to charge more than the posted amount for it anyway. tom
  17. has anyone here rented a exotic/luxury (ferrari, lambo, bentley etc) for a day? a guy i worked with asked if i knew a spot and i didnt have a good answer for him. i searched, but i wondered if anyone here has used one of the local spots? where, total price, what did you get? tom
  18. whoa...easy sunshine...relax. i was saying i like cr for reasons like this. who would of thought that you would find a topic titled "Where can i get my wife knee high boots with a low heel" on a local racing forum? i understood the title too, i just smiled a little each time i read it. tom
  19. yep i got it too. all equipment prices are going up. they have always charged me a modem fee, and refused to let me use the one i own. tom
  20. i read the topic of this thread four times just to realize..."i heart cr" for reasons like this. you know you have a great forum when you get stuff like this. try the buckle, express and or aldo. tom
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