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Stallion Motorsports1647545491

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Posts posted by Stallion Motorsports1647545491

  1. so for some reason, my gf thought it would be amazingly perfect to bounce her people mover (Honda Odyssey) off of a curb tonight. yeah, on sunday at 6pm. the only good news is, i was right behind her when it happened.


    i hoped it just broke the bead on the rim, yeah no, not so much, there is a 2 inch rip in the sidewall of the tire. I need prices. I cant get the van to anyone until 5pm at the earlist tomorrow, anyone still open??? derek ntb???




    i might just buy two new ones and throw them up front instead of just replacing the one.


    thanks in advance,




    i know everyone posts this crap, but can we please wait a minute to lock this until someone pm's me, and or replies? okthxbuhbye.

  2. There's a coin shop up in Westerville, can't think of the name of it, but it's on the left side of rt3 just past the Kroger.


    It's all about grade and condition. A coin that has been in circulation is just a coin, unless it is rare. Wheat heads picked out of pocket change are generally always worth a penny, LOL. He used to buy them by the roll, I think he was paying 55 cents for a 50 coin roll of common date wheats, but I have no idea if he still is. Some of the buffalos may be worth some real money, but most of them are going to be a nickel.



    allen's coin shop.


    they might give you a penny for each of the wheatbacks...true story.



  3. I dont know what you guys are crying about. Dogs get this all the time on farms. Minus the hanging of them.


    how many farm dogs get shot because of the owner going on vacation? This case is kinda old news. it is just now hitting the national news. i have a issue with people like him, not ok in my book.



  4. Take it to pickups plus cars and forget about it. :)




    alarm installs suck. i have done a handful of them, and i always say i will never do it again. most install shops can warranty stuff when it breaks too.



  5. I think the interwebs has bred social retards...lol



    how many neighbor disputes do you hear about that end bad, that start over something stupid. i knew i was going to go talk to him, i just wanted to see what everyone else would do. it is different times, and people are different. being "socially retarded" would of been me hiding in my basement, hugging myself, hoping the truck fairy would come, or that the fucking truck would move itself.



  6. if i call the police first he would know i did it, and might be pissed i just didnt ask him to move it. i go to his door step the worse thing that happens is, he smashes my face in, and i cry. i'm going to go talk to him, wish me luck, if i dont post back in 10 minutes, call the police because, I got hurt.




    *tucks Glock in waist band*

  7. This neighborhood in columbus? Commercial vehicle? It cannot be legally parked in a neighborhood.


    Why is the dbag parking there if he lives in another neighborhood?


    Leave him a note to call you.


    it is in columbus. i am guessing he parks there because there is room to fit the truck. looking at the way his house is set up, he wouldnt have room to keep it there. so i am guessing he parks it, walks home everyday.



  8. This will be interesting, i already know how i plan on handling this, however i wanted to see what everyone else would do.


    First off, i live in a neighborhood that is connected to two other neighborhoods. I live on a corner lot with the side of my house facing a road that connects my neighborhood to a older neighborhood. Two weeks ago a huge 35 foot box truck showed up next to my house everyday at 4pm. Now, it is legally parked on the street, however all i see from my yard, and my back door is this huge truck. It blocks my entire view from my back door, and my whole yard. It is gone from 8a-4p, and all day saturday/sunday. It is summer, i want to sit on my deck, stare at the trees, drink a beer, and make sure the neighborhood kids are safe. I have spent the past two weeks staring a a truck, and i am cranky about it. My neighbor on the other side of the street came over today, and told me to move my truck, he was tired of looking at it. Once he figured out it wasnt mine we went out and looked at it together, there is a note on the window that says where the driver lives. it is the next neighborhood over. my neighbor doesnt want to confront the driver, i am guessing because he doesnt know who he is. i was telling a guy at work the story today, and he couldnt believe i was going to go to this guys house and ask him nicely to move the truck. he said, "now days, people kill people for less. he will also know who you are and where you live." so what would you do?


    A) flaten all the truck tires.

    B) park your personal cars on the side of the house.

    C) park your personal cars in front of his house, and ring his door bell at 3am.

    D) shoot out truck windows, and spray paint "park somewhere else" on the side.

    E) go talk to the owner, and ask him to move the truck, if he says "fuck off" do A-D


    cliff notes...

    guy parks his huge ass work truck next to my house, it sucks, want to get him to move it, not sure the best way to handle it. fml



  9. last time i was in pennslyvania for a family wedding the only thing i remember my cousin doing was stopping the car, walking into a bar, and walking out with 2 six packs of bud light. it made no sense then, and until this thread i forgot all about that night.


    thanks cr for helping drunks like me get their memories back.



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