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Stallion Motorsports1647545491

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Posts posted by Stallion Motorsports1647545491

  1. Originally posted by UPS yours:

    p.s. glocks suck.

    Just because they don't look pretty, doesn't mean they suck. Anyone that wants a reliable handgun needs to at least shoot a Glock. If a Glock is good enough for most LEO/FBI applications, then it is good enough for me.



  2. Since we are on the exhaust issue, has anyone seen the Camaro with pipes that are a good 8-10 inches past the bumper? Any reason for that? The idea is taking off, I have seen a couple folks have it in the past week.



  3. Originally posted by QWK90GT:

    Well tonight my Mach 1 hit a 12.94@109.51 with a 2.08 60'. My younger brother was the one doing the driving though because I was racing Amy's car oh well I still happy.

    Is your Mach white with loud (sounds really good) exhaust?



  4. A couple days ago, did anyone hear about the guy in Ohio that had the potato gun blow-up on him. I heard he was in critical condition and they didn't think he was going to make it, he had 2-3 inch pieces of metal sticking in his chest and face, some reached several vital organs.


    Something tells me I could see this guy burning himself up.



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